Got Goals? Then Floss is Boss 

Vision board revelations over dental hygiene & wine 

3 min readJan 26, 2014

Simple: Without a clear and precise vision of exactly what it is you want, you’ll never reach it or have it.

A group of my galpals and I got together for some wine and snacks while writing our personal goals (daily & life/minor & major). Surprisingly all of us wanted to attempt flossing & brushing our teeth more regularly. I laughed at the variety in my long list of “maybe someday I’ll be…” doing the splits, becoming a better dancer, meeting ‘the one’, and taking my foray into a start-up job all the way to a larger than life success. I’m still allowed to wonder what I want to be when I grow up at 29 right?

So why is it that some of the seemingly small tasks end up becoming goals I constantly struggle with? I mean, if maintaining obvious dental hygiene is tough, accomplishing dreamed up version of me seems far far away. Thankfully, I have good friends to keep me company on that sentiment.

I’m hoping to take the concept of a vision board and truly internalize the person I see myself becoming. Transferring thoughts from paper to board, giggling over magazine cut-outs, was the fun and easy part. Believing the vision has been, and still is, much harder.

I wake up and look at my board everyday. Sometimes I think “That’s going to be me!” and at other times “hah! who am I kidding?” And there she is-The B…brat. She’s the one having a melt down in my brain saying, “I don’t want to eat my vegetables, I don’t want to go to bed, and I don’t want to grow up. I’m too tired, too stressed, and too comfortable where I currently am.” Or as my dream-coach would say, “I’m scared that I’ve tried in the past and failed”.

We have to keep dream voices loud & afloat.

Motivational speaker Tony Robbins shows the powerful impact of small changes in getting results. He uses a golf analogy and a plastic surgery analogy. In both instances, millimeters of change brought about significant results. In golf, adjusting a swing by millimeters affects the final distance of the swing by meters. A famous plastic surgeon found the metrics for beauty. By altering certain facial features by millimeters, the plastic surgeon is able to make a hideous face into one that is flat-out stunning.

I shared my mega goal to ‘become my vision’ with my sister, and tried to figure out what my millimeters of change should be. We discussed the power of building routines. As she put, we are all trying to overcome our own obstacles, challenges, curve-balls. Life isn’t perfect…for anyone. Thankfully, we are blessed with something, be it family, health, intellegience, a natural talent. Everything else though…you have to earn it. You have to earn your relationships, earn your money (obviously), earn your body, earn your.. whatever you want and don’t have.

When we choose a goal that is bigger than our current reality, we are in essence creating a gap or a vacuum between what we want and where we currently are. Just like a magnifying glass can focus the sun’s rays and create a fire, focusing on our vision and goals can keep us in the ‘right vibration and attraction field’.

I am hoping that building in defined, & exact regimes to focus on will bring clarity to create my fire, my vision. This seemingly common sense approach is not so easy in practice, but if taking that dental routine more seriously means transforming vision to reality- then floss is boss.

