The RepMe Mainnet Swap

3 min readMar 11, 2019


Without Further Ado…The SWAP!

Despite the perturbations in the market, RPM has held up well. We’ve accomplished much in a short time and look forward to continuing at an enviable pace as processes and workflows are becoming more refined, targets closing in range. When things come together, it is indeed satisfying and we are most certainly pleased with the results. We look forward to the mainnet release and our move to satoshis, as its impact upon our coin and network shall be undeniable.

The RepMe network has undergone extensive testing, is now up and running, and we are confident in its stability. Although we ultimately decided to access some refined open-source code, there was a considerable amount of customization. Thus, a commensurate amount of rigorous preparation followed. Creating a two-headed hybrid is, in some ways, more laborious than defining a genesis and buidl out from there. Therefore, we consider this solution more than worthy and are proud to announce the following:

Coin Swap

The swap is ready and shall take place on the STEX exchange.

To Participate:

RPM token holders must have their tokens deposited in their STEX wallet before March 25th at 12:00PM UTC. Following the deadline, the swap from the old ERC-20 to the new RPM/BTC pairing will take place over the next one to two days as STEX works to properly credit your account. When complete, both the RPM/LTC and RPM/ETH STEX wallets will become inactive.

Please wait for an official announcement regarding the completion of the swap before attempting to place orders or trade your newly credited RPM.

For a small exchange, STEX has a dedicated, knowledgeable staff. We would like to personally acknowledge their participation and support in assisting the advancement of the RepMe vision.

To them, we made a lasting impression. Our collective demonstration that a LTC pair can churn out volume gave the low-cap microcosm pause. We were asked what our secret was more than once and conversely, we were somewhat victimized by our own prowess. It is a given that consistent liquidity among projects in this range are largely non-existent and stifling to a point where holding is the only option. Our growth has been stalled at times by those who capitalized on this relatively aberrant opportunity but as per usual, we let the market sort things out. This is, of course, the byproduct of a fervent community to whom the RPM project truly belongs.

Our migration to the new chain shall see our storied run as a LTC and ETH pair come to an end.


Although it has been largely covered, it is worth reiterating some of the more salient points with links to the more detailed explanations below.

· A final 1 billion RPM tokens will be available as staking and masternode rewards.

· RPM shall move to where the volume is — BTC pairing with a 1 sat floor.

· The wallet shall be available for download at shortly after the swap is completed.

· Year 1 Masternode and Staking Rewards—20%

For further details, see the following articles:

Transitional Network

The Road to Satoshis

Still Up Next: Ongoing Development




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