5 min readMay 3, 2018


There’s a new crypto-collectibles game in town. It’s called REPOP WORLD.

Cloning Obama and Trump

REPOP offers a variety of mechanics that you can explore. This post will give you a detailed description of the gameplay.

The purpose of REPOP is to collect and clone POPs as crypto-collectibles on the Ethereum blockchain.

What are POPs?

POPs are these cute and funny characters on REPOP. They are composed by specific traits:

Hair | Eyebrows | Eyes | Nose | Mouth | Head | Outfit

Original POP — Elon Musk

There’s currently two types of POPs — Originals and Clones.

Original POPs are designed by our team to resemble celebrities and have exclusive traits. These are also the Gen 0 and are first made available by our team on the Original Auctions.

Clones are the result of the cloning process and share some of the parent’s traits. Due to our genetic algorithm, clones are also unique.

  • Original Auctions

Every week, brand new Original POPs are launched on the Original Auctions for a limited time. You can bid on each one of them, by paying the established price, to become the highest bidder. At the end of each auction, the highest bidder becomes the owner of the correspondent Original POP. However, if someone outbids you, you still get back your bid plus 26% from the outbidder. You can also bid on an Original POP as many times as you want until the end of the auction.

Original Auctions

Once the auction is over, the POP will have an owner and will not be on auction ever again.

Note: This mechanic is exclusive for the launch of new Original POPs. Clones are not eligible to be on auction neither Original POPs which have already been released to the game.

  • POPs Market

On the POPs Market, you can buy POPs. While most of them will probably be Clones sold from other players, occasionally you may find Original ones sold by their rightful owners.

Clones on sale on the POPs Market

Each POP being sold has an associated price that players have to pay to become the owner and you can also sell your own POPs from the Dashboard screen.

All your POPs (Originals and Clones) will be displayed on your My POPs screen.


Genes are the genetic material associated with a POP. Players can opt to sell their POP’s genes instead of selling their POP.

Donald Trump gene

Players can use the Genes enable other players to produce Clones with their POP without losing the ownership.

All your GENES will be in the My Genes screen.

  • Genes Market

This is where you can buy Genes. Similarly to the POPs, each gene has an associated price that players have pay to collect one sample. You can buy as many samples as you want from each POP’s gene, as long as they’re available of the Genes Market. The owner can retire their genes from the Market.

Original genes being sold on the Genes Market

If you don’t have any Original POPs you may find useful to collect their genes.

  • Cloning Machine

Once you have some POPs and/or Genes, you can use the Cloning Machine to grow your collection.

This allows you to clone:


Barack Obama and Donald Trump ready to produce a clone

or POP + Gene.

Barack Obama will produce a clone using Ellen DeGeneres’ gene

Keep in mind that:

POPs need to recover after a cloning process. Their recovery time depends on their Generation (Gen).

One Gene sample may only be used once on a cloning process (you can always collect more on the Genes Market)

  • POPs Generation and Recovery times

Generation affects the recovery time of POPs after a cloning process. The POP’s Gen is defined at birth accordingly to the highest Gen of the parents.

Gen 0 + Gen 0 = > Gen 1
Gen 0 + Gen 1 = > Gen 2
Gen 1 + Gen 1 = > Gen 2

The following table states recovery time accordingly to the POP’s Gen.

Gen | Recovery Time
0 | 10 min
1 | 20 min
2 | 40 min
3 | 1 h
4 | 2 h
5 | 3 h
6 | 4 h
7 | 5 h
8 | 6 h
9 | 12 h
10 | 1 d
11 | 3 d
12 | 5 d
>= 13 | 7 d

Keep in mind that Genes belonging to a POP also have a Gen attached. So this mechanic extends to the Cloning POP + Gene as well.

If you want to clone consecutively with the same POP, you’ll have to wait for it to be fully recovered. However, if you feel a POP is taking to long to recover, you can buy a refresher (one use only) that recovers the POP immediately.


In your dashboard you can control most of your actions and see your POP’s state.

Sell your POPs
Sell your Genes


Transactions in our Markets (POPs and Genes) as well as Original Auctions are subject to 5% commission to the development team.

REPOP WORLD is a crypto-collectibles game and not a gambling or investment platform. Please be responsible with your personal finances.

Thanks for checking out REPOP WORLD :)

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