Pilsen — Gentrification

Nick Garcia
1 min readNov 18, 2015

Is gentrification a two sided coin?

There is one side of the coin that see’s gentrification as the displacing of a race of people from their community. Then, there is a side that views this issue as an economic problem. Is there a true, way this problem can be viewed?

Is this about those giving up their property for money? Does everything come with a price?

Is there a bigger picture to this issue? Is gentrification still gentrification if someone chooses to sell their possessions for money and allow those of higher economic fortune to move in?

The topic is ever changing with many people voicing their concerns and opinions. What we can do is look at the issue from every angle and attempt to find common ground.




Nick Garcia

Raconteur | Gin & Wine Enthusiest | Writing style — Johnny Cash meets Wu-Tang Clan. Journalist | Politics | Gambling