The Revolution in the Field of Social Media

4 min readDec 20, 2017


A modern person cannot imagine his/her life without social media. Social networks seem to have wrapped the whole world in a global web — both an old and a young person, an ordinary worker, and the CEO of the enterprise, a banker, and a business owner register there.

Why do people need social networks?

  • To enhance self-esteem.
  • For expanding the circle of friends.
  • For work and business promotion.
  • For making new connections based on interests.
  • For entertainment and relaxation.
  • For private life arrangement.

… and for many other purposes as well.

Social networks can be used for both personal and more pragmatic purposes. The REPU system (abbreviated from English — “reputation”) is an innovative project based on the creation and popularization of the reputation of individuals and companies. The rating and feedback system will be able to completely replace “likes” in the future, which will, for example, allow:

  • Banks, to make a loan decision, based on the rating of the company or a private individual.
  • Recruiters and potential employers, to form a picture of the applicant as a professional, and the extent of his/her social adaptation.
  • Ordinary citizens, to have a picture of a potential friend, partner, associate.

REPU is a new generation of social projects that will solve most of the problems faced by ordinary people, recruiters, businessmen, employers.

What is the difference between the REPU platform and traditional social networks?

Social networks users “like” the posts of other users, leave comments, negative and positive feedback — providing rating for a particular event, person or company, which is almost unused in everyday life. What if this rating would help increase sales? Increase the chances of getting a high-paying position? Improve customer service? Understand the reason for the outflow of buyers?

The REPU team is confident that in the future, interaction among users of social networks will be impossible without a rating system. The transition of businesses towards online only reinforces this need.

REPU developers are preparing the world for the approach of a new Internet era — an era in which the reputation on the Internet will be as important as the offline reputation. And, while nowadays, it is common to purchase (fake) likes or fans on social networks, the decentralized blockchain technology will bring down the possibility of falsification to a zero — every rating, every feedback will be stored in the blockchain forever! And, the future integration with popular social networks will allow a person from anywhere in the world to become familiar with the reputation of a brand, product, service, worker or an ordinary citizen.

The rating system, unlike ordinary social networks, will make users to not pretend to seem becoming better online, but actually become a better person in a real world, grow professionally — after all, reputation is an asset that you can not buy for money, but it’s a tool that helps earning it.

What lies into the basis of the project creation?

When creating the REPU platform, developers were guided by the following principles:

  • Sociality.
  • Brand promotion.
  • Availability.
  • Authenticity.
  • Transparency.
  • Economic benefit for all project participants.

Why will the REPU platform definitely gain popularity?

  1. The absence of competitors in the market.
  2. Social significance.
  3. Economic benefit for all project participants.
  4. Professional team.
  5. System approach to project implementation.
  6. Compliance with conditions that guarantee success.
  7. Competent strategy for promotion and monetization.
  8. Quality customer service.

The project team has knowledge in various business areas and experience in creating web resources, technical support of innovative projects, creation, definition and positioning of the brand, development of short-term and long-term plans for product promotion, which allows to be confident not only in the success of the project, but also in that REPU will surpass existing projects in many ways and will gain popularity in the whole world. For this, the development team has both experience, knowledge, and resources ….

Penetration and Virality

The platform will be developed through the implementation of the rating service.

A service where any registered user can provide a rating for a company, a product, an employee or a specific person and receive a reward for this — REPU tokens that can be spent in the system and that will be traded on the exchange.

The concept of the REPU platform is in its independence and decentralization. All business processes are based on smart contracts, which makes them reliable, transparent, and secure. Decentralization and smart contracts allow to minimize any attempts at third-party interference, which completely eliminates the risk of fraud.




REPU is a rating and feedback system based on decentralized blockchain technology. Official webpage: