Soft Cap has been reached!

1 min readAug 30, 2018


Dear community members and investors,
We are pleased to inform you, that soft cap ($500.000) has been reached within a week!
Despite cryptocurrency market has been quite unstable and Republia has been competing with other projects, together we have managed to achieve our first target! Thank you very much, your support has been invaluable! In addition this process has led to the emergence of a solid community. Investors around the world are talking about Republia, which shows, that we are an effective team. There is still a lot of work to be done, however, this result is a very good start of the project.
Our short-term goal is to reach ½ Middle Cap ($1.250.000). We are approaching the target, several ICO investment funds are ready to join the project after Soft Cap phase.
Moreover, founders of the project have a surprise for community members after Middle Cap is reached, follow the news!
We appreciate your support!

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