6 Web Design Trends

Republik Media
4 min readDec 8, 2014

for 2015

Web design is constantly developing and evolving. Sociological and technological changes in the environment shape how successful websites are viewed and engaged with.
Unresponsive, unappealing websites will often have high
bounce rates, also leading to less average time spent on your site.
To tackle these issues it’s important to have a modern, user friendly website. We’ve analysed six of the top features that will be shaping the way for web design in 2015.

1) Video Engagement

Video is going to be massive in 2015. On Social media, online ads, so it is going to be more important than ever to include engaging short, video clips onto your website in 2015. Facebook have noticed such an importance for video content, they have now added auto-play videos and video views to your timeline.

They provide a great opportunity to quickly engage with your website visitors, informing them in a short, expressive way that helps them learn about your business and what you do in the quickest way possible. With the best video length recommended for your video content estimated to be between 1–2 minutes.

2) Web Graphics

Long are the days of text bombarded websites. People don’t want to read or see large amounts of text after text. Colourful, large, visual images are now more important than ever. As human beings, we naturally absorb information easier when it is presented in a visual manner, which has been supported by the growth of infographics.

As a result, a new trend in the form of “webgraphics” has emerged. Similar to infographics they cover key information compared copious amounts of text and paragraphs. Allowing more interaction, a clearer marketing message and a more visually simulating website

Interface interactions will play big part as well.

3) Mobile/Tablet optimisation

With the growth of mobile and tablets going through the roof year on year, it is more likely your website views will be via mobile or tablet, compared to desktop views. It is this growing trend, that is concerning to website owners, who have failed to optimise their website for the mobile audience.

A whopping 67% of users said they’re more likely to purchase a product or service from a site that is mobile-friendly, leading to an increase in responsive web design since 2012. If I were you, I’d make sure your website is fully optimised for mobiles and tablets asap.

4) Simplicity/Typography

The right font is essential. With the trend in late 2014 to early 2015 shifting towards, minimalist designs and clear, simple font, selecting the right typography has been more important than ever.

Basic designs, take advantage of using creative simplicity to craft an appealing, clean, easily absorbed design.

Check full case study http://on.be.net/1lNSHbE

5) Responsive Web Design

Arguably the biggest trend for web design in recent years, is ensuring a fully integrated responsive website. Before, this used to mean merely a website that works on desktops, tablets and smartphones.

However with the growth in diversification of technology, there are constantly new devices that need to be optimised to ensure a successful responsive website, such as smart watches, Google Glass and whatever Apple and Samsung have planned for us in 2015.

6) Scrolling

Scrolling is here to stay. A hot trend for the last 24 months has been the parallax scrolling feature websites have introduced. Parallax scrolling is a visually pleasing feature for modern websites, giving viewers a user friendly experience.

The easy navigation allows viewers to smoothly view a website without the inconvenience of flicking between a variety of web pages. Parallax scrolling is complemented by other trends we previously analysed, such web graphics and responsive web design, where scrolling websites can be easily transitioned onto mobile devices.

And that is it — so far



Republik Media

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