MoodMD and Reputable Health Join Forces to Revolutionize Mental Health Treatment

Reputable Health
2 min readApr 25, 2023


We are thrilled to announce a new collaboration between MoodMD and Reputable Health, two companies dedicated to improving people’s lives through the power of technology.

MoodMD, an innovative mental health platform that uses artificial intelligence to create personalized care plans, is teaming up with Reputable Health, an AI-powered health optimization platform that leverages real-world data from wearable devices, lab tests, genomics, and health experiments to provide personalized recommendations.

Through this collaboration, MoodMD will be able to integrate real-world data from wearables into its AI algorithms, allowing for even more precise and effective treatments for its users.

According to MoodMD’s CEO Kevin Rogers, “This collaboration is a game-changer for mental health treatment. By combining MoodMD’s advanced paradigm for mood disorder assessment and treatment with Reputable Health’s real-world data, we can create even more personalized care plans that address the unique needs of each patient.”

“We are thrilled to partner with MoodMD to revolutionize the way we approach key elements of mental health treatment. By leveraging the unique power of both our industry-leading both platforms, we can empower people to take better control of their mental health, make more informed decisions, and simultaneously improve their overall mental and physical health.”, states Reputable Health’s Head of Operations & Business Development Dr. Kyle Bergquist echoing this sentiment.

Together, MoodMD and Reputable Health are working to address the mental health crisis in the U.S. and provide comprehensive, personalized care to those who need it most. We are excited to see the positive impact this collaboration will have on the future of mental health treatment.

About Reputable Health

Reputable Health is an AI-powered health optimization platform that provides recommendations based on real-world data. It empowers its community to take control of their health and make informed decisions without having to rely on fake online reviews, social media hype and murky science. Reputable aggregates anonymized data from wearables, lab tests, genomics and health experiments, and rewards participants who contribute, enabling fair and equitable value sharing for everyone.

For more information about Reputable, visit:

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About MoodMD

MoodMD is on a mission to provide a comprehensive, personalized mood disorder improvement program designed to address 21st-century needs. The company provides an individualized, comprehensive care plan that replaces the two-factor legacy system of mental health treatment with a six-factor, “treat the whole person” architecture — a first in mental health — in order to assist patients presenting with mood disorders such as chronic stress, anxiety, and depression.

For more on MoodMD, visit:



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