Live platform released! Test it and get real tokens for free!

1 min readSep 17, 2018


Dear REPUX followers,

Dear REPUX followers,

Today is a great day for RepuX product! We’ve published our initial Marketplace with most of the functionalities out there.

Things we’ve managed to squeeze in this version are:
- buying and selling files
- file storage decentralisation
- file sharing and encryption
- rating system
- private-public key storage
- notification centre
- push notifications
- google analytics integration (1-click raport generation)

We’ve decided to test run it on Rinkeby network for a while to save on potential gas prices and limit the wait time so we can get more people familiarised with it.

Our main goal was to provide a nice GUI that don’t compromise the user experience while utilising the blockchain to the max. The on-boarding process should be easy even for those who’s blockchain knowledge is minimal. Of course we’re still working on the platform SDK and APIs for the developers.

If you have any problems please refer to: or contact us using intercom widget.

To get more people involved we’ve prepared a nice incentive system with 200,000 REAL RepuX tokens for the most active users during the upcoming 2 weeks.
Please spread a word about it so the competition is bigger resulting in more data for us to process.

Finally — marketplace is available at — we encourage you to give it a try.

We’ll be moving to main net soon afterwards.


RepuX Team

