Request Network Project Update (September 18th, 2018) — Request Crowd open source code released, raise funds with Request Donations, an update on BTC integration and Consensus Singapore.

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4 min readSep 18, 2018

The Request Network Foundation promotes the adoption of blockchain by providing technology which allows everyone to develop their own financial solutions based on the Request Network. The foundation establishes a standard for blockchain transactions, shaping the future of payments (i.e. invoices, loans, payments, salary, donations) and their compliance for accounting, tax and audit integration.

In this update we will look at:

  • The launch of Request Crowd open source code, a building block for developers
  • The release of Request Donations, a tool to donate in crypto
  • An update on BTC request integration
  • How to meet us at Consensus Singapore

Welcome to Request Crowd

Request Crowd — Open source code now available on Github

This week we look at the latest technical progress that was made on the Request crowdfunding platform, alongside what is planned to be worked on next.

Our progress:

  • The open source code is now available on Github.
  • It acts as a building block for developers to build a crowdfunding product, powered by Request.
  • A test environment is made for anyone to create a project on testnet. The Request Crowd website acts as a demo page to showcase the power of censorship-resistant crowdfunding campaigns.

To test Request Crowd, all you need to do is complete these 3 simple steps:

1. Initiate your fundraiser by filling in the amount to raise in ETH, the address to receive funds on, the project name and its category.
2. Customize your crowdfunding page by adding information, pictures and/or video(s).
3. Publish your crowdfunding campaign to the blockchain using MetaMask set to Rinkeby.

What’s up next:

  • Easier integration with your existing front-end code.
  • Implement ERC20 token support.
  • Minor UI tweaks.

Please use Discord to discuss the crowdfunding source code and its demo page in-depth.

Accept cryptocurrency donations with Request

Request Donations — An easy way to accept cryptocurrency donations

Last week Adam Dowson, a known community developer, launched Request Donations after collaborating with the Request Network Foundation team. Request Donations seamlessly allows websites to accept an array of cryptocurrency donations directly on their own website, no technical worries, no expensive overheads, no complex integrations just a simple, easy to implement solution that works.

It’s great to see NeedsList is already using the product to raise donations for Hurricane Florence disaster relief, in collaboration with MakerDAO and Project BiFrost.

An update on BTC request integration

Integrating a smooth experience to accept BTC requests has been a challenge. Every BTC request needs to specify an unused BTC address for payments AND for refunds. In addition to that, the payer needs to have ETH and an ETH address in order to accept the request.

The current challenges:

  • Builders don’t want their users to need an ethereum address when paying in BTC.
  • Builders don’t want their users to have ETH for BTC requests.
  • Builders don’t want their users to make a combined ethereum and bitcoin transaction.

Next steps we’re taking:

  • Make BTC refund address optional at creation (smart contract modification)
  • Make payer ETH ID optional at creation (smart contract modification)
  • Focus on having a BSP (blockchain service provider) that broadcasts a paid request after a BTC payment has been made. This replaces the need for gas and ETH addresses, heavily increasing user experience.

Meet us at Consensus Singapore on Wednesday and Thursday.

Both Christophe Fonteneau and Robbin Mazurel will be available for meet-ups during Consensus Singapore the 19th and 20th of this month.

Want to meet us? Let us know in the contact form here or by directly reaching out to us on Discord.

Looking for talents

We are currently looking for talented individuals to work at our office in Amsterdam:

- HR Manager
- Communication & PR Manager
- Growth Marketer(s)
- Product Manager(s)
- Back-end developer(s)
- Full-stack developer(s)

Do you think you’d be a valuable addition to the foundation in a different position? We are always reviewing open applications. Send in your resume and motivation to

Do you want to use Request technology to build a financial product or integrate cryptocurrencies into your existing application? Get started with the list of resources below:

  • Use the official documentation page to find everything you need about the Request Network ecosystem.
  • Join the Request Hub on Slack to collaborate with active developers and builders that contribute to the overall Request Network ecosystem. Share knowledge about your project and receive insights from other community members to collectively improve development.
  • By connecting your company to the Request Network, you will be able to access a modern and interoperable financial world adding simplicity for users and reducing costs.
    Find the full list of ideas for apps that can be built on our website!
  • Have you developed an MVP and are you looking to take your project to the next level? Apply to the Request Fund to receive financial and educational support directly from the Request Network Foundation.

Learn more about Request Network on our website and blog. Join the Request Network community on:

