Implementing Apple Search Ads Tracking / Attribution

Request Labs
2 min readJun 16, 2016

There is certainly endless choices out there when it comes to attribution provides. With the news from WWDC regarding Apple Search Ads. Here is a short guide to implementing attribution tracking inside your app.

What we know.

The attribution endpoint will be as follows:

A POST request payload of the data type “application/octet-stream” is sent to this endpoint, unfortunately at the time of writing this post the endpoint returns a 500 error …


In order to get started you will need to import the iAd framework and request attribution details.

Now you could take those attributes and forward them on to a 3rd party attribution company or as we would suggest store the data yourself.

What we love about this approach to attribution is that it firmly puts the user in control of their data e.g. we believe the attribution data is only sent when the user is opted into ads. In addition the attribution details are only “passed back” when the developer chooses todo so.

Here is a github project too.

What’s next?

Attribution Companies

All of the attribution companies will start to wrap the iAd framework and “passback” campaign data to their own interfaces to provide attribution metrics across multiple “networks”.

These companies will look further down the chain beyond last-tap attribution to view-through conversion tracking — a lot of folks likely do this to date.


Mobile App Install buyers will start to seriously shift budgets to App Store Search, to get closer to the intent of install. One of the largest problems of using App Install ads on 3rd party networks is performance. There likely won’t be a better source of place to buy ads than through the AppStore.


iAd will have so much demand and limited supply, that in 2017 at WWDC they’ll start working to send out demand off-network. The previous team working on iAd will likely be shifted to work on Search Ads, its obvious from using the same iAd framework that it’s “retirement”, is likely a second wind only one they may win.

iTunes Connect

Developers will get closer to their data using iTunes Connect vs use third party data aggregators e.g. organic and paid will have a single interface.

