Super Zero(SERO) Daling Rating:BB

Daling Research
4 min readApr 10, 2019


Super Zero(SERO)

Project rating:BB

Industry: Smart Contract Platform


SERO is positioned as “privacy Ethereum”. It is the first smart contract decentralized platform based on zero-knowledge proofs, and also the first platform that allows developers to issue privacy crypto assets that run smart contracts in Dapps.

Innovation index

Industry Solutions

In view of the absence of user privacy protection, open solutions help to enhance the implementation. User information is vulnerable due to the absence of privacy and financial data protection as well as the network correlation in existing blockchain system. SERO aims to protect such information from being traced, related and included in statistics and auditing from all possible aspects, and enhance the practicability of the environmental scenarios so as to offer comprehensive solutions to more application scenarios. On an open and free commercial confidential development platform, the developers will have more free development space. It is practical in functions and can facilitate business partnership in privacy protecting field.

Technological innovation

Faster transaction generation and stable cross-protection from different protocols. With a non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs(NIZK) system called SUPER-ZK, it is proven to greatly accelerate transaction proofs’ generation rate, better protect the confidentiality, and is operable at mobile terminal when compared with Zcash. Its strengths are mainly embodied in the following aspects:

1. SERO utilizes enhanced zk-SNARKs framework to generate NIZK. The ALT_BN128 curve and Groth16 preprocessing process are adopted. This preprocessing process reduces the operation time by 1/3 when compared with PGHR13 preprocessing scheme.

2. A Twisted Edwards curve is innovatively developed in SERO to substitute SHA256 in public key generation. ECC Hash is used to generate the Merkle tree. In this way, the transaction generation speed is multiplied by at least 4 times.

3. SERO adopts single-channel I/O structure, and each description is linked with one asset channel. Such kind of circuit construction is more modularized so that the concurrent execution efficiency in case of multi-core CPU is improved by 3 times.

4. The codes in SUPER-ZK are partly programmed with assembly language, which optimizes such engineering structures as resources distribution and achieves higher program execution efficiency.

Other technical innovations include ALIEN and CASTROL protocols, which serve to enhance the data transmission confidentiality and node protection.

Ecological innovation

Modular asset data development package can meet all sorts of privacy application demands. Token (homogenization), Ticket (non-homogenization), Package (encrypted content package) are combined with the Turing’s complete smart contract in SERO system so as to satisfy various privacy-protecting requirements and implement all sorts of business schemes in the privacy protection field.

The distribution governance mechanism and eco-system remain reasonable with 75% of tokens being reserved for mining rewards, and 5% as ecological incentive. Free market plays a vital role in it. The team holds 10% of tokens that are to be released in 101 years. The halved cycle just like that in Bitcoin acts to control the mobility of assets in the long run. The remaining 10% is reserved for external financing purpose that serve to support the ongoing operation by the project team.

Risk index

Network security

The market performance still needs further observation. The core members in the team are equipped with experience in blockchain technology development. SERO has officially launched BetaNet on January 8, 2019. Expansibility stays as the focus in the open-source project. For example, the Layer 2 agreements with Lightning Network and Plasma further improve the TPS. The price offered on GGBTC transaction platform on March 22 is $0.052, which rises 260% when compared with private placement price. The market performance in the long run requires further follow-up.

Project performance

The development advances stably and orderly, while the market performance still needs further observation. The core members in the team are equipped with experience in blockchain technology development. SERO has officially launched BetaNet on January 8, 2019. Expansibility stays as the focus in the open-source project. For example, the Layer 2 agreements with Lightning Network and Plasma further improve the TPS. The price offered on GGBTC transaction platform on April 10 is 0.10$, which rises by 520% when compared with private placement price. The market performance in the long run requires further follow-up.

Market expanding

Market promotion is not formally started now, and the project prospect remains promising. The existing market partners include MATTER Global and GLAB technical geeks. Now, some industrial giants from the supply chain finance and game fields have been established as our fundamental technical service partners. Now, SERO project is generally stable in operation and it develops faster than similar privacy protecting projects. It is hopeful to make a breakthrough in privacy protecting field with much market attention.

