Twitter said it has overstated the number of users for the past three years

DTI Algorithmic
2 min readOct 26, 2017


Below you will find a selection of interesting articles from news resources. Pure numbers, facts, food for thought.


  • The Venezuelan state company PDVSA in a few days will have to pay more than $ 2 billion on bonds. If it does not make payments on time, it could lead to a Venezuelan default. Read more
  • After the congress of the Communist Party, China wants to pay less attention to the pace of economic growth. But this does not mean that Beijing will completely abandon the quantitative goals, said Yang Weimin, chief economic advisor to President Xi Jinping. Read more
  • Billionaires in the world become richer, older and increasingly invest in sports, according to a report by UBS. Read more
  • Saudi Arabia and Russia want to extend the agreement on limiting oil production before the end of 2018, say people familiar with the situation. Read more


  • On Thursday, their financial statements should be submitted to several major technology companies — Alphabet, Microsoft and Amazon. Investors monitor these companies very carefully. Read more
  • Twitter said it has overstated the number of users for the past three years. At the same time, she reported on a slight increase in the number of users in the third quarter. Read more
  • Twitter and Snapchat are fighting for the title of the second largest social network after Facebook. But it is difficult to compare them, because they estimate the number of their users in different ways. Read more
  • Google and Cisco have entered into a partnership agreement to make it easier for them. Read more
  • Nike at a meeting with investors on Wednesday confirmed that it intends to increase revenues to $ 50 billion by 2020. The company also said it will stop cooperating with mediocre retailers. Read more

Originally published at Блог DTI.



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