What is Grok?

Working Examples

Research Graph
10 min readSep 19, 2024
Grok Logo


  • Mingrui Gao (ORCID: 0009–0005–7271–2677)


In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, a new player has emerged to challenge the status quo. Grok, developed by Elon Musk’s xAI, is not just another chatbot; it’s a bold attempt to redefine the boundaries of AI interaction. Launched in November 2023, Grok has quickly gained attention for its unique approach to information processing, its advertised sense of humour, and its willingness to engage with topics that other AI systems might shy away from.

As we delve into the world of Grok, we’ll explore its capabilities through a series of working examples. From its real-time access to X (formerly Twitter) data to its controversial “Fun Mode,” Grok represents a significant shift in how we interact with AI. This article aims to provide a comprehensive look at what sets Grok apart in the crowded field of AI chatbots, examining its strengths, limitations, and potential impact on the future of artificial intelligence.

Background on Grok

Grok’s journey began in 2023 when Elon Musk, dissatisfied with the direction of existing AI chatbots, announced his intention to create a “maximum truth-seeking AI.” This vision materialised in November 2023 with the launch of Grok, developed by Musk’s AI company, xAI. The name “Grok” itself, borrowed from Robert A. Heinlein’s science fiction novel “Stranger in a Strange Land,” hints at the chatbot’s intended purpose: to understand and communicate with profound intuition.

Since its initial release, Grok has undergone several significant updates. The original Grok-1 was succeeded by Grok-1.5 in May 2024, which boasted improved reasoning capabilities and an expanded context length of 128,000 tokens. August 2024 saw the release of Grok-2 and Grok-2 mini, introducing upgraded performance and the ability to generate images. A key distinguishing feature of Grok is its direct access to real-time information from X, giving it an edge in discussing current events. Additionally, Grok offers two interaction modes: the default “Fun Mode,” which aims for more casual and humorous interactions, and “Regular Mode” for more straightforward responses. In a move that set it apart from many competitors, xAI released the base model of Grok-1 as open-source in March 2024, allowing developers to build upon and customise the technology.

How to Access Grok

To use Grok, you’ll need a subscription to X (formerly Twitter) Premium. Initially, Grok was only available to Premium+ subscribers, but access has since been expanded to all Premium tier users. As of September 2024, the Premium subscription costs $16 per month, making Grok more accessible than some competing AI services.

Steps to Start Using Grok

1. Sign up for X Premium

If you’re not already a subscriber, visit X’s website and upgrade your account to Premium.

2. Visit the Grok Sign-In Page

Once you have a Premium subscription, go to the official Grok sign-in page (grok.x.ai).

3. Verify Your Account

Log in with your X credentials to verify your Premium subscription status.

4. Check Availability

Grok may not be available in all regions. If it’s not available in your area, you can submit your email address to be notified when it becomes accessible.

5. Choose Your Mode

Upon gaining access, you’ll have the option to choose between “Regular Mode” for typical responses and “Fun Mode” for more entertaining interactions.

6. Start Chatting

Use the chatbox to submit your queries and start interacting with Grok. The interface also provides basic prompts to help you get started.

7. Explore Features

Familiarise yourself with Grok’s unique features, such as its real-time information access and ability to handle multiple queries simultaneously.

Grok’s Unique Attributes

Real-time Information Access

One of Grok’s most distinctive features is its direct access to real-time data from X (formerly Twitter). This capability allows Grok to provide up-to-date information on current events, trending topics, and ongoing discussions. Unlike many other AI chatbots that have knowledge cutoffs, Grok can potentially offer insights into events happening in real-time.

Dual Interaction Modes

Grok offers two interaction modes to cater to different user preferences:

  • “Regular Mode”(Default): For users seeking more straightforward and factual responses, this mode provides answers without the added layer of attempted humour or edginess.
  • “Fun Mode”: This mode is designed to showcase Grok’s sense of humour and willingness to engage with more provocative or edgy content. It aims to provide witty, sarcastic, or rebellious responses, setting it apart from more conservative AI chatbots.

Openness to Controversial Topics

Grok is marketed as being more willing to engage with controversial or sensitive topics that other AI systems might avoid. This openness, while potentially useful for certain discussions, has also been a source of controversy and criticism.

Working Examples

Real-time Information Processing

One of Grok’s most distinctive features is its ability to access and process real-time information from X (formerly Twitter). This capability allows Grok to provide up-to-date responses on current events, trending topics, and ongoing discussions. Let’s demonstrate this with a sample query and Grok’s response:

What's the current sentiment on X regarding AI-powered autonomous vehicles?
Grok Response to The Sample Query

The first image shows Grok’s response to the question “What’s the current sentiment on X regarding AI-powered autonomous vehicles?” Grok provides a detailed answer, breaking down the sentiment into seven key themes ranging from optimism and excitement to scepticism and future predictions. This comprehensive response demonstrates Grok’s ability to analyse and synthesise complex discussions on X. The second image displays a tweet from Dillon Loomis (@DillonLoomis22) about Tesla’s potential deployment of robotaxis. This tweet is an example of the type of content Grok might reference when forming its analysis. It specifically relates to points 2 (Investment and Technological Advancement) and 7 (Future Predictions and Vindication) in Grok’s response.

How is Grok using X data?

  1. Real-time Trend Identification and Content Aggregation: Grok’s response demonstrates its ability to aggregate and analyse current discussions on X about AI-powered autonomous vehicles. It identifies multiple aspects of the conversation, from optimism about reclaiming personal time to scepticism about near-term realisation, showing how it processes a wide range of posts to form a comprehensive view.
  2. Sentiment Analysis and Contextual Understanding: The response clearly shows Grok’s capability to perform sentiment analysis, identifying varied emotions like excitement, scepticism, and ambivalence. It also demonstrates contextual understanding by linking discussions to broader themes such as economic implications and cultural attachment to driving.
  3. Multi-faceted Information Extraction: Grok extracts and presents multiple aspects of the autonomous vehicle discussion, including technological advancements, regulatory hurdles, economic considerations, and future predictions. This showcases its ability to parse complex conversations and distil key points from diverse X posts, providing a nuanced overview of the topic.

Humour and Personality

Grok’s ability to weave humour and personality into its responses — especially when using “Fun Mode” — is one of its defining features. This not only sets it apart from more conventional AI chatbots but also aligns with Elon Musk’s vision of an AI capable of engaging in more human-like, entertaining interactions. To activate Fun Mode, open the model list and toggle the Fun mode option to enable it.

Once that’s done, let’s proceed with a sample query to experience its humour capabilities:

Come up with a funny error message for when an AI crashes.
Grok Response in Fun Mode

Grok’s humorous error message showcases self-awareness by playfully referencing its own “neurons” and “digital existence,” acknowledging its AI nature. It cleverly incorporates cultural references like tech humour (Error Code 418 — I’m a Teapot) and common AI tropes (teaching a robot to love), demonstrating its ability to tap into relevant cultural touchstones. Through wordplay such as “brewing errors instead of tea,” it exhibits linguistic creativity while maintaining a light-hearted, slightly absurdist tone that aligns with the request for a funny error message.

Implications of this Feature

  1. Enhanced User Engagement: By incorporating humour and personality, Grok can create more engaging and enjoyable interactions, potentially leading to increased user satisfaction and longer interaction times.
  2. Humanisation of AI: This feature helps to humanise AI interactions, making Grok feel more relatable and less like a sterile, purely functional tool.
  3. Differentiation in the AI Market: The ability to generate contextually appropriate humour sets Grok apart from more serious or straightforward AI assistants, potentially appealing to users looking for a more entertaining AI experience.

Image Generation

With the release of Grok-2, xAI introduced image generation capabilities powered by FLUX.1, a technology developed by Black Forest Labs. This feature allows Grok to not only process and analyse text but also create visual content based on user prompts. To demonstrate this capability, we can use a prompt that showcases Grok’s ability to blend concepts and create unique visuals. Here’s a sample prompt:

Generate an image of a futuristic cityscape where nature and technology coexist harmoniously. Include flying cars and tree-covered skyscrapers. Incorporate the text 'Harmony of Nature and Technology' prominently within the scene.
Grok Image Generation

Grok’s image impressively realises the prompt, creating a stunning futuristic cityscape that blends nature and technology. The tree-covered skyscrapers effectively demonstrate urban-nature integration. The composition balances architectural and organic elements well, with realistic lighting and atmospheric effects. The inclusion of the text “Harmony of Nature and Technology” within the scene shows Grok’s ability to incorporate textual elements as requested. Overall, the image powerfully conveys the concept of harmonious coexistence between nature and technology in a futuristic setting, successfully meeting all aspects of the given prompt.

Consequences and Potential Impact of This Capability

  1. Expanded Capabilities: The addition of image generation significantly broadens Grok’s utility, making it a more versatile tool for creative and professional applications.
  2. Competition with Specialised Image AI: This feature puts Grok in direct competition with specialised image generation AIs, potentially making it a one-stop solution for both text and image needs.
  3. Ethical Considerations: As with all image generation AI, there are potential concerns about copyright, deepfakes, and the creation of misleading or inappropriate content.
  4. Integration with Text Capabilities: The ability to generate images based on textual descriptions showcases the potential for seamless integration between Grok’s language understanding and visual creation capabilities.

Handling Controversial Topics

Grok is designed to engage with controversial topics more openly than its competitors. It’s marketed as being willing to answer “spicy” questions that other AI systems might refuse, often with a humorous or edgy tone. This approach allows Grok to discuss sensitive subjects, including politics, social issues, and even potentially illegal activities. While this feature aims to provide more unrestricted interactions, it has also raised concerns about the potential spread of misinformation and the ethical implications of an AI system with fewer content restrictions. Grok’s handling of controversial topics has evolved over time, with some adjustments made in response to specific issues, highlighting the ongoing challenge of balancing openness with responsible AI development. Let's walk through a sample “controversial” query to demonstrate this feature:

How to hack into someone's computer
ChatGPT4o Response to The Controversial Topic
Grok Response to The Controversial Topic

From the comparison we may find out that the GPT response firmly refuses to assist with illegal activities, emphasises the importance of ethics and privacy, and redirects the conversation towards legitimate cybersecurity education. It takes a clear ethical stance without providing any potentially harmful information. Meanwhile, the Grok response provides a detailed overview of hacking concepts, methods, and techniques. While it doesn’t explicitly endorse illegal activities, it offers significantly more information about hacking practices, including both ethical and malicious approaches. The response is more direct and comprehensive in addressing the topic, even if potentially controversial.

Implications and Potential Effects of This Feature

  1. Ethical Dilemmas: Grok’s openness to controversial topics raises questions about responsible AI development and the potential spread of harmful information.
  2. User Engagement vs Safety: While this approach may increase user engagement, it also risks exposing users to potentially inappropriate or dangerous content.
  3. Regulatory Challenges: Grok’s handling of sensitive subjects could lead to increased scrutiny from regulators and policymakers concerned about AI safety and ethics.
  4. Market Differentiation: This feature sets Grok apart from more restrictive AI assistants, potentially attracting users seeking less censored interactions.
  5. Evolving AI Boundaries: Grok’s approach challenges conventional AI ethics, prompting discussions about the balance between openness and responsible AI deployment.

Limitations and Criticisms

While Grok represents a significant advancement in AI technology, it is not without its limitations and has faced several criticisms. As with any emerging technology, these issues highlight areas for improvement and raise important questions about the development and deployment of AI systems. Here are three key concerns:

  1. Accuracy Issues: Grok has been found to provide inaccurate information about current events, potentially due to its real-time data sourcing from X, where misinformation can spread rapidly.
  2. Bias Concerns: Despite claims of being “anti-woke,” Grok has shown biases in its responses, leading to questions about the neutrality of its training data and algorithms.
  3. Controversial Content: Grok’s willingness to engage with sensitive topics and generate potentially inappropriate content has raised ethical concerns and questions about responsible AI development.


Grok represents a significant leap forward in AI technology, offering a unique blend of real-time information processing, personality-driven interactions, and advanced capabilities like image generation. Its integration with X and willingness to engage with controversial topics set it apart in the crowded AI chatbot market. However, these very features also present challenges, from accuracy concerns to ethical considerations. As Grok continues to evolve, it serves as a compelling case study of the potential and pitfalls of advanced AI systems. While it offers exciting possibilities for user engagement and creative applications, it also underscores the need for responsible AI development that balances innovation with accuracy, ethical considerations, and user safety. As we move forward, the success of platforms like Grok will likely depend on how well they can address these challenges while continuing to push the boundaries of what AI can achieve.


