Researching Ryoshi

A thread I saw which drove me to join a Cult.

researching ryoshi
4 min readMar 23, 2022


I saw this thread on Reddit with hundreds of abusive comments underneath it, but I thought it was fairly logical and worth revisiting. Please see original post below with Images.

“I think Ryoshi has set up a new protocol under an alias. I will provide significant evidence and not name the protocol until the very bottom so I can’t be accused of shilling as only people who want to see it, can see it. Bare with me, it is a long thread.

My suspicions were first aroused when I read the protocols “Manifesto” it felt like a darker SHIB ecosystem, much more desperate than the normal positive woofing we see from Shiba. The manifesto spoke about centralization being the cause of the mental health crisis, vaccine passports, authoritarianism and how we are manipulated into submission by a system that functions to pit us against each other.

The founder goes by the alias Mr O’Modulus. When questioned he says he is nobody, not “a nobody” but nobody. Probably could be coincedence but the language got a few of us on the intrigue train. The protocol in question is a DAO and works by having the top 50 stakers submit proposals, and everybody else vote on them, allowing the many to have the final say but the top stakers put forward what is to be decided.

In their Discord the top 50 stakers have their own chat. A few of us Shibs, obviously, shilled and spoke of how we could collaborate with Shiba. Which got the following response from Mr O’Modulus.

From their Discord top 50 stakers private chat

NOW THAT got me thinking. The founder is obviously extremely familiar with SHIB if he knows “All Hail the Shiba” & “Ryoshi’s vision” enough to quote from it. It was Ryoshi himself who wrote he doesn’t like centralized exchanges, could Ryoshi be wanting to set up a new more extreme ecosystem token? Is this the legendary fourth token?

Also the choice of gif, yes it is an appropriate gif for anybody who feels disgruntled at any hint of centralization from Shiba, but the wording is also coincedental, “my boy”.

The main ERC account of the protocol also added the tiniest little bit of liquidity to ShibaSwap, close to the very beginning. 0.042069 ETH. Again scrubbed out name as not a shill.

On top of this they just listed 10 NFTs on Opensea, auctioning one of these a day, so far there have been three, and the second was listed and sold in SHIB….

Again, it could be coincidence, but the VEMP token (only naming as they were woofable pair so part of ecosystem so think it is allowed?) deployer address has also added lots of liquidity to Shibaswap and there are lots of active Shiba community members in their chats and Discord.

I hope the above is significant enough detail without mentioning names that the post isn’t deleted. I have also tagged spoiler in case.”

My research led me to and whether or not it is a SHIB protocol, I do not have a care for at this stage. $CULT is the very essence of decentralization. Shiba was a good idea, until it’s own leaders and moderators incessant need to be adored dragged it down to the same place and the same needs as the centralized entities they fought stood for. SHIB has become the same breeding (excuse the pun) ground of power, greed corruption and politics it swore to fight.

But getting away from opinion and back to facts and Ryoshi. The above author posted the above after the third sale of the Cult masks. There were ten masks overall. Named as below.











XXV in Roman numerals is 25… Y is the 25th letter of the alphabet. Take the first letters and line it all up.


