How to Get a Guy to Ask You Out — 7 Steps

Alli Ames
4 min readDec 6, 2017


Of all the guys around, there’s one you are interested in. Is he a guy in your class? Someone in your neighborhood who doesn’t know you yet? Your friend? Whoever he is, you want him to ask you out…but exactly how to get a guy to ask you out? Yes, nobody wants to be overlooked or friend zoned. So how do you get past those? First, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. As they say, it’s better to have tried than never to have tried at all! So, here are some tips that you can follow to get a guy to ask you out:

  1. Be Confident

The very first step in how to get a guy to ask you out is to be noticed. Confidently interact with people around you, instead of hiding behind your friends. If he still hasn’t noticed you, walk up to him and start a conversation! Nowadays, ladies should no longer feel shy about approaching guys or feel that their only job is to sit still and look pretty. It is no longer frowned upon to approach a guy, so go ahead and do it. Find things you are both like so that you can keep the conversation interesting.

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2. Don’t Bring Your Negative Energy in Public

Leave your frustrations at home. Don’t bring it to a party or any get-together. Better address it properly or just leave it temporarily behind before going to your social gathering. Bringing your negative energy to a public place, especially a party, is a turnoff. Nobody wants to be with a person who zaps out all the happiness around her.

3. Use the Right Body Language

You may not bring negative energy to the party, but if you keep your arms crossed it shouts “STAY AWAY FROM ME” that can be read from across the room. So instead of that x-mark across your front, untie yourself and move your hands as you talk. Additionally, keep eye contact with the guy you like and lean forward a little when he speaks.

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4. Be a Damsel in Distress

Ask some favors from him, like reaching a book from a high shelf or carrying something a bit heavy. But do this in small quantities. At first it’s cute and guys like to play hero. But if it’s done too much it’s tiring and he will stay away from you.

5. You can Drink, but Don’t Get Wasted

If you see a guy who’s drunk out of his wits, do you find it sexy? No, you don’t. Similarly, when you’re wasted, you are not attractive. He would be afraid you’ll spew all over him or his car. So, drink but not too much.

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6. Flirt with Him

Want him to know you have no intention of being one of the guys, then show him your feminine charms. Flirt a little. Laugh at his jokes; sit next to him or in front of him; touch him (knuckle bumps and high fives do not qualify as touching. Instead, touch his shoulder or arm when you pass by or during conversations); compliment him; and don’t chat or talk on the phone with others when he’s around. But don’t go to the extreme and start stalking him, hanging onto his every word, or become possessive of him. Be natural.

7. Ask Him Out

Yes, this world is now open to women who are at equal standing with men. So, if you like a guy but he’s being very shy about asking you out or is being too insensitive about your advances, then ask him out plain and straight! It doesn’t have to be to the movies and dinner. It could be for coffee or to listen to a band. Yes, it’s scary but there are only 2 results from this: he says, “no,” and you move on from this experience, or he says, “yes,” and you get a date! Make sure to grab the rope when he says, “yes.” Set a day, meeting place, and exchange numbers!

Also Read: How to Make any Man Miss You


With the right moves, you won’t need to wonder how to get a guy to ask you out. If he still hasn’t noticed you, the first step is to get noticed by him. If the guy finds it hard to read your intentions, don’t be discouraged. Try a little more. If he’s really not getting it, go ahead and ask him out. Don’t be afraid of being refused. Getting a date takes practice and time. Nobody does it right all the time, but it’s possible for you to get it the first time around. So stop worrying about how to get a guy to ask you out. Get your confidence level up (or fake it if you have to)!

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