Things You Can Do To Improve Your Rankings

Alli Ames
4 min readOct 9, 2017


If you are striking out on your own, or you are still a small business, then you know it’s hard to make the people aware of the products and services you offer. How to compete with your competitors, who are already larger and having a much bigger marketing budget than you?

That is what we will try to explain today by improving your rankings.

How does someone, who is not a SEO specialist, can drive more traffic to his website? You also know that your ultimate goal is to rank on the first page on Google search, but what is the case if your page is not ranking well as you hoped? Can your website achieve better rankings without getting into sacrificing thousands of dollars or much time?

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How to Improve your SEO Rankings

It’s a sure thing that it takes a lot of effort and time to achieve good rankings for a website, a bit of work each day will make your goal easier. If you are not satisfied with the current performance of your website or you are new to the game. Here are some things you can do to improve your rankings:

Beef Up Your Blogging

A blog that is attached to your page or website won’t only provide real estate for your targeted keyword, but it also will establish you as trusted expert in the field. It’s has been known that longer blogs which has more than 1000 word can perform better that the shorter one. That doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t write shorter posts. It’s only to make sure that the length of posts will make your blog more interesting to the readers.


Make the Blog Posts More Interesting

When you are trying to write posts for your blog, make sure that the topic is relevant to the industry. one of the benefits of blogging that it will bring you engagement that in the case in writing for your readers instead of google. As writing for google won’t get the reader’s attention.

Online engagement is how will your company will get recognition and customers. If a large number of people find that your blog is interesting and useful and they engage by leaving comments, then google will notice and improve your website ranking.

Also Read: How to write Better Content For SEO

Have Pictures and Optimize Them

The power that images can bring to any content of blogs or website can’t be stressed enough. It has been confirmed by a lot of studies that images can attract the attention of the reader and help them to process the information way after and also remembering it for longer time.

Inserting one or two images into the website or blog may be not enough, but adding ALT tags to all the images will give you a chance to place keywords and help google to index them and improve the usability for people.

Add HTTPS to the URL

If your website or page has an HTTP instead of HTTPS, the browser will signal the web users and search engines as well. This will be enough to scare people away from your website.

Https Secure Protocol

Mind your Website URL

Of course, our brains tends to remember the images and the short phrases and the same is applied to URLs. While your URL may benefit from including one of the prime keywords. The concept and principle of simplicity and shorter is better can be applied here. People will remember your website with short and catchy URL.

Also Read: How to Do Keyword Research

Try to Tie Yourself to Authoritative Resources

If you want to drive more traffic to your page and website, then you are looking for authority, besides you blogging on many topics in the industry, linking to external and reputable webpages will give you brownie points with google which mean better rankings for sure.

If you can cite information from other sources and have a resources page. Not only google will appreciate that but also your readers will. You offer them additional information from other sources, that’s for sure will solidify people trust in you.

Focus First on Your Best Performing Pages

You want all the pages of your website to rank highly. I am sure that it can be tempting to get all your website pages to the first page in a fell sweep, but that is not possible unless you are a professional SEO.

If you are only a small business owner even a marketing professional and trying to do this, you are just wasting energy and time and even the resources of your page. That man not even help you to get better results or more sales. Try to be more efficient and start helping your website to get better ranking by working on optimizing pages of your website that are in the 11th to 20th positions. Those pages have the highest chance to get on the first page.

Free Bonus: Free Domain Authority Checker Tool

