What Are The Stages Of Getting Involved in Medical Research Studies?

Research Works
3 min readApr 16, 2020

A clinical trial is a research study in which professional physicians and other research experts investigate treatment on volunteers from the public. These treatments are developed by pharmaceutical and biotechnology sections that simply choose the experts and qualified physicians.

Clinical trials could be for any disease like Crohn’s disease clinical trial and more than usually performed in three different phases where several people participate as volunteers. If you are also interested to be a volunteer then you will be provided with complete information about the testing process and the effective medicines and vaccines on dolorous diseases like Crohn’s disease clinical trial or nausea etc., on yourself.

Here are a few important factors to know before signing up for the medical trials or paid Crohn’s clinical trials:

· Multiple Phases:

The clinical trial is a lengthy process, which is taken out in multiple steps. Drugs that are used on the patient depends on the number of time the drugs have been used before.

In phase one, the drug given to the volunteer is the first-ever drug that is being used for examining the particular illness.

In phase two, you will be in the second round, where further treatment will be considered. Then the third phase, and so on.

· Examination:

Once you are selected for a clinical test, you will get brief about your whole test process. If you feel comfortable you can continue the process and sign the papers.

In case you do not feel comfortable, you can terminate anytime in between the process even if the medical process is not done completely.

· Sleep Studies:

You can sign up for medical trials for sleeping hours if you are a lazy bee. Researchers do sleep studies to understand what disturbs and pacify our sleep disorders.

In sleep study you are not given drugs or injections, instead, you have to spend some nights, or a full day in the secure lab, where your mind will be examined for the sleep response.

Noise, light, temperature, scents, and presence of people in the laboratory are some factors that are studied thoroughly for checking your sleep ability.

· Regulated Clinical Trials:

Take a sigh of relief, as the treatment that will be given to you for the medical research study, is followed by the proper protocol by the authorized health care, and all the drugs, machines, and technologies are approved by the ethical medical committee.

In other words, the treatment is considered safe for the volunteers when it is signed and approved by the team of top doctors and researchers.

Though there is some risk involved in clinical testing whether it is for cancer treatment, Crohn’s disease clinical trial, or sleep disorders, etc; but you should pat your back for involving in a great cause that will in future save many people’s life.



Research Works

With a specialty in GI and Hepatology studies, NOLA Research Works continues to carry out the mission of Women Under Study.