Get Off Your Ass And Live!

Reset Habit
2 min readJan 5, 2018


You might be thinking…

“Who is this person trying to tell me how to live?”

Well, let me try to qualify myself. I just turned 40 last year. I’ve lived a life full of adventure and wonder. Studying Computer Science at university and being able to find computer programming jobs in San Francisco and New York gave me the confidence that I will be able to make money whenever I want. So in my 20s, I prioritized travel and adventure instead of wasting my youth and energy working for a startup. I would work one year, save up money and travel the whole year the following year. I’ve been to most of the countries in South America, Middle East, North Africa, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. I speak 5 languages. In my 30s, I started a family and am now living in Germany.

Seeing the world through so many perspectives… having loved and lost…succeeded and failed… I think I am well qualified to give life advice.

It is easy to get complacent with life, but is that really living? Or merely existing? We need a bit of urgency in our lives to spring us into action. To help us feel alive! To be alive! We also need to suffer painful consequences or else we never learn.

Call to action

This is why I created Reset Habit. You can set goals for free, but if you fail, you will suffer the pain of losing your hard-earned money to a potentially controversial special interest group.

To create a sense of urgency, you can set an aggressive due date and make the money lost when you fail painful enough to be effective.

Now go ahead and start living today!

