Swarm Redistribution live experiment, round 2
The first round, which gained a 50 dollar market cap, inspired a range of improvements to the Swarm Redistribution contract.
These have been added to an updated contract, which has been deployed on https://etherscan.io/address/0xda922e473796bc372d4a2cb95395ed17af8b309b#code
and simulatePathwayFromBeneficiary()
, which lets you simulate that I have sent a RES transaction to you, and which generates a dividend pathway from me to you, making it possible for you to micro-fund me by growing your own taxes, whilst testing the Swarm Redistribution protocol, has been moved to an external contract, to make contract Resilience
less messy,
The contract SwarmRedistribution
and the transfer(_to, _value)
function have been updated to decrease the gas costs. The decay of dividend pathways is now done in the iterateThroughSwarm(_to, _timeStamp, _taxCollected)
To make it clear that bool campaignOpen
was for in case of bugs, it has been renamed to bool bugDiscovered.
contract Resilience is CloseIfBug, RES, SwarmRedistribution {}
has been included as the root contract, and isHuman[JohanNygren] = true;
moved to the root contract, which is where proof-of-identity could be added in a future version as http://uport.me or other proof-of-human are available on the web 3.