The Revenge of the Free: A Defining Battle of Unity.

Resistance News Network
7 min readMay 27, 2023


Another chapter of the glorious Palestinian resistance has come to an end with the conclusion of the Revenge of the Free battle on May 13th. What was the significance of the battle and what were its gains?
Below, we provide answers to these questions in their respective contexts.

PFLP and PIJ fighters in Gaza stand shoulder-to-shoulder at a memorial ceremony for martyred PFLP fighter Oday Al-Louh on May 17th, 2023.

Birth of the Battle.
This battle, fought as a direct response to the zionist entity’s assassination of three senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leaders (Khalil Bahtini, Jihad Ghannam, and Tariq Izz El-Din), marks a new and advanced stage in the Palestinian resistance. Despite significant losses, the resistance emerged victorious, demonstrating to the fragile enemy that the idea of resistance cannot be eliminated.

The assassination of the three leaders was a clear breach of the ceasefire agreed upon just a week prior following the fiery response to the assassination of PIJ leader Khader Adnan. The resistance chose to bide its time, waiting for 36 hours before responding. This strategic delay had a profound psychological impact on the enemy, sowing confusion and fear within their ranks: across the entity, schools were closed, shelters were opened, and the “Iron Dome” was fortified, all before a single mortar or rocket was fired. The enemy acted as if it was in the middle of battle. Amidst months of internal strife, the resistance’s delay strategy confused the entity and demonstrated the maturity of the resistance.

A Calculated Response.
The enemy sought to provoke a response and drag the resistance into battle, seeking to punish PIJ for their success in uniting the fields and greatly expanding resistance in the West Bank in the last year. However, the resistance displayed a disciplined and strategic calculus not seen before, refusing to fight a battle that was imposed on them, knowing that they must build their strength for a proactive, rather than a reactive, liberation war. The longer that the resistance is allowed to develop, the more terrifying it becomes for the enemy; note that Hamas unleashed Saif Al-Quds and its associated advancements after not entering a battle for seven years.

Secondarily, the enemy sought to sever the vein between the West Bank in Gaza, as evidenced by its cowardly assassination of Tariq Izz El-Din, who was leading the Jenin Brigade from Gaza; evidently, the enemy failed to affect the resistance. In Tariq’s words, “If one leader ascends, ten emerge to take his place.” Relatedly, the provocation sought to drain Gaza in advance of the inevitable West Bank raids by the IOF that expectedly came.

Unifying Forces.
The response soon came. The Joint Room of Palestinian Resistance Factions formally declared “The Revenge of the Free” and entered the battle. It was the first battle formally entered and started by the Joint Room, a testament to the real development, unity, and coordination among factions. Despite that it was PIJ leaders who were assassinated, the united resistance across all its factions responded as one sword. The IOF’s attempts to goad the resistance into expanding the battle proved futile, as the resistance factions sent a strong message, fighting on their own terms. In response to the assassination of their commanders, all resistance factions united and launched a coordinated response with thousands of rockets. This level of control and coordination marked a qualitative shift in the history of the resistance. The attempt to exhaust the resistance failed miserably, as the largest barrages of rockets were fired on the final day of the battle.

Another reason for the delay was to extend the battle such that it overlapped with the zionist flag march in Al-Quds on May 18th. On May 12th, the resistance fired a large salvo of rockets toward Al-Quds, and leaders stated this was due to a consensus in the Joint Room to advance the battle from being centered around the zionist assassination policy toward a national goal in defense of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa. In reality, the demand that the bloodthirsty zionist entity stop its decades-long policy of assassinations was nothing but a pretext to avenge the blood of the martyrs and display the resistance’s growing force and coordination. Resistance kept the situation controlled and managed the battle throughout.

Under the joint command, all factions mobilized and coordinated their attack regardless of political differences. This level of coordination is certainly the major achievement of the battle, and it differs from previous battles such as the Unity of the Fields of 2022 in which the united resistance also responded to the assassination of PIJ leaders, but not in such a formally coordinated manner.

Consequences and Achievements.
The battle sent millions of settlers into shelters, and 12,000 left their settlements. Following the battle, a 20-fold increase in passport applications by settlers was seen. It destabilized the enemy, revealing its falsities about their claims of stability and protection that it sells its colonial settlers. The “Iron Dome” failed to provide the security promised with an abysmal success rate, and the enemy was forced to bear a significant economic cost, with major disruptions to business centers, airports, and overall economic activity. “Tel Aviv” was in panic and “Ben-Gurion airport” was shut down. Capitalist centers were hit and zionist air bases were targeted. In addition to the economic shutdown, the zionist entity’s defense systems, which repeatedly failed, cost the entity at least $100 million. Rockets were making impact left and right, while the entity sold lies to its settlers. Soon after the end of the battle, “accidental” zionist deaths appeared to skyrocket.

The IOF continued its aggression, assassinating more resistance leaders. The united resistance did not budge, and despite the heavy losses, it was not long after the assassinations that the resistance continued to respond. The resistance’s ability to restructure, reform, and continue fighting demonstrated that they are not dependent on any single leader. Deterrence was achieved, and the resistance’s commitment to the ongoing war remained unwavering. The resistance displayed its force and sent a strong message to the crumbling entity.

Upon Hamas’ direct entry via the use of anti-aircraft weaponry towards the end of the battle (as opposed to its continued background support) and the approaching of the May 18th flag march by zionist settlers in Al-Quds, the IOF realized it miscalculated what was supposed to be a “two-day operation” and begged for a ceasefire, which came after five days. It brought upon itself the wrath of all resistance factions despite its attempt to isolate PIJ. It failed to isolate the resistance which was united from the start. Notably, Hamas’ political calculus differs, in that the movement will not enter a battle unless it is surely a battle for liberation as evidenced by previous remarks of its leaders. Mahmoud Al-Zahar previously articulated an analogy for the resistance arsenal and capabilities, stating that one should not dump out the water in their cup if it’s a quarter full, or every time a few drops come in, but rather, that the entire cup should fill up before the first strike comes. Hamas’ direct entry worried the enemy, and a ceasefire soon came.

Liberation comes on the terms of the resistance. The IOF’s attempt to impose a large-scale battle on the resistance ultimately failed, as the resistance refused to be drawn into a confrontation on the enemy’s terms. Statements made by both Hamas and PIJ highlight their preparedness and ability to engage in prolonged warfare for months if necessary. Their strategic patience and unwavering commitment to the cause demonstrate that the resistance will not be deterred by the enemy’s tactics, and they will continue to fight for their homeland and the liberation of their people and land.

We must recognize that this battle was but one episode in a much larger, ongoing struggle. The Revenge of the Free was not a war. The Palestinian resistance’s war against occupation did not begin in 1948 with the zionist entity or even in the 1936 Arab Revolt. Rather, it is an enduring and deeply-rooted struggle for self-determination, land, and liberation.

The IOF may attempt to claim victory in this particular battle, but for the resistance, the true measure of success is not limited to a single confrontation. The success is that Gaza stands tall, that resistance is expanding and united. Our war transcends any individual skirmish. As long as the occupation persists, so too will the resistance.

Beyond the Battle: The Ongoing Struggle.
The Revenge of the Free was a testament to the unity, strategic prowess, and determination of the resistance. It showcased the resilience of the resistance as they controlled the terms throughout the battle. It highlighted their ability to adapt and respond to changing circumstances while remaining focused on their ultimate goal of liberation. This ongoing struggle — our war — will continue to evolve and adapt, as the resistance seeks to reclaim their homeland and a liberated Palestine.

The Revenge of the Free was a victory for the resistance. Following April’s “test run” of a true unity of the fields when rockets rained down from Lebanon, the Revege of the Free was the first true manifestation of it. The region is just beginning to stabilize — to the shock of destabilizers like the US and zionist entity — as evidenced by the ending war on Yemen and Syria’s rejoining of the Arab League. The true unity of the fields will involve all fronts: Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and the diaspora. It is only a matter of time before the resistance achieves its goal: the liberation of Palestine and the demise of the temporary entity.

The resistance remains steadfast and raises the foreheads of all Palestinian people. The resistance responded on its own terms. They demonstrated that they possess the strength, unity, and determination to confront the challenges posed by occupation, and that they will continue to fight for liberation of all of Palestine regardless of the challenges. The resistance emerges stronger and more determined than ever, ready to continue the war and with its sights set on liberation.

Calculated, calm, and decisive, the resistance has the final word and the upper hand.

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