2 min readOct 30, 2018


“Or, they don’t care and they are greedy.” That’s it — you’ve hit it directly. The ancient aphorism, that even appears in the Bible, that ‘The love of maney is the root of all evil’, has never rung so true as it has in the last nearly 50 years, since Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, so the Federal Reserve could provide him with enough loans to pay for the war in Viet Nam. Well — that’s a long story, but it is fairly easily followable, even through the Carter years, with the passing of the Interstate Banking Act, which allowed big banks to, first, build branches in other states than the one they were originally chartered in, and then to acquire other smaller banks that the larger one essentially drove either out of business, or into bankruptcy. And, by the way, Carter didn’t sign that law — his predecessor, Ford did. It just came into force under Carter’s first term.

But it has given rise to the pathologically avaricious. They know no limits to how much they want, and no matter how much they have, it is never enough — it’s why there are more largely unknown billionaires than the ones we do know about. They ‘work’ to get more and more and more, mostly quietly, even secretly, living in constant fear that they will become known, and somehow have it all taken from them, combining secrecy with paranoia, which leads to private ‘security forces’, building secret enclaves in places like Paraguay, Cambodia, southern Brazil, in the nountains of southern Bolivia, Colombia …well — pathological avarice — nothing worse.

