Ask yourself this Question “Who am I?”

Eddie Resphanto
3 min readOct 25, 2016

Take this time out to ask yourself this question "who am I?" and lets see if you could actually post an answer here, trust me its going to be fun and also much appreciated.

This same question leads me to my Philosophy about Life. However, if you find the question a bit hard i will give you a real quick pass to discovering who you really are.
Now the definition of who you are strictly depends on what you think of yourself and how you choose to act or perhaps to the best of my very own knowledge i would say, Life is an act of art and creativity. Every single human on this planet is acting with his/her own self-created script (which is the Mind/Thoughts) and what determines your role in life is your action, just like a movie right? Yeah! That's it.
Few years ago i posted one of my quotes somewhere on the internet that caused a lot of ripples of cause i still get constant messages from various people via social media as it earned me much opportunities such as special guest invitations to talk at several youths and motivational forums across the country and more to say the least. Of which I quoted this, "We live in a crazy world where you have to act crazy cos the next man might be mad at you". Let me lay an emphasis on what i mean by this word "Crazy" and also not forgetting the word "Act" in the sense that, you have the right to choose your actions in which your actions reflects who you are in life, In other words the role you want to play in life and how you want to be perceived by the world is solely based on your present thoughts and actions.
For instance, if you want to be a model think and act like a model, if you want to be a President think and act like a President, if you want to be Me think and act like Me. Lolz...just kidding, yeah! i meant "You". Whatever you want to become, simply think and act like it because every role in life has its actions.
Real quick! Let me give you #10 Tips to defining Who you are (i.e. your role and purpose of existence in life)
1. Be Focused, Loyal and Honest
2. Be opened and Positive minded
3. Be in love with God, yourself and Nature
4. Think of ways to work smart not hard to get solutions.
5. Think of ways to become a better version of your present self
6. Think of ways to help others or perhaps be of assistance to humanity.
7. Learn to always appreciate God and people.
8. Learn to try new things and always stay informed.
9. Listen to the Inner you.
10. Your priority should be God above all things.

In a nut shell, who you are technically relies on your thoughts and actions in life.
My Name is Eddie Resphanto, i chose to act a serial entrepreneur in life who now owns and works with several brands in different industries and walks of life so therefore, as an average African I do to any thing that has to do with everything the one you refer to as "jack of all trade" which am not, I'm simply a jack in all trade".
Yeah! That's the role i chose to play as far as humanity is concerned that's who I have become.
Whatsoever you might want to be in life lies in your thoughts and actions like the popular saying "your destiny is in your hands". Just act a good thought of yourself and you will be surprise at what the reflection of you will become because who you are now is a true reflection of your present state of mind and actions.

