Green Mold Removal and Remediation

Restoration Pro Selection
8 min readMay 16, 2018


Mold can cause all kinds of damage to your home. If you’re not careful you can suffer all kinds of serious health problems as a result of untreated mold in a house. Mold can grow just about anywhere and you have to make sure you’re keeping your house and especially your basement clean and protected from the potential for problems to crop up as a result of a mold infestation. If you have a mold problem you’re going to need to call experts to handle the issue. This is not a task that should be done by yourself or by any untrained people at all. Dealing with mold is a risky and hazardous situation and it would be wise to not get involved at all with it and risk exposing yourself to possible harm as a result of breathing or ingesting mold spores. Getting yourself sick a result of trying to do too much when it comes to cleaning and taking care of your house is a mistake anyone can make but you really shouldn’t make that mistake here. This is a serious issue and as a result only experts who know exactly how to handle the problem should be counted on to address what is going on and to solve the problem in a prompt, timely, and very professional manner.

You might think that black mold is the only mold that is really dangerous but other mold if left unchecked can cause all kinds of problems as well. Molds of all sorts are big problems that need to be taken care of before they end up becoming even bigger problems. Property that has been damaged by mold can be so completely ruined that it may be unsalvageable and have to be thrown away. Losing valuable things to mold damage can be a frustrating and unsettling experience. Learning how mold grows and what steps can be taken to prevent mold from getting into your house and into your chairs, sofas, tables, chairs, and electrical appliances is a good first step towards making sure mold will not plague you as you go about your life. A mold and mildew free life is a good life.

How Is Mold Caused?

Mold is mostly caused when something that can support mold is exposed to water. Since mold is highly adaptable it can grow just about anywhere. Plywood, drywall, carpets of all kinds all provide food for molds. Having any of these thing improperly dried during construction or after a major storm can allow for mold to take hold and then behind to spread. The three things molds use to grow themselves are a food source, generally this would be cellulose, then some water, and then finally time. Sections of your house that have been exposed to water damage that are left unmonitored are prime breeding grounds for mold. Mold could be inside your walls, hiding behind wall paper, in the pipes of your sink and toilet. There’s plenty of places where mold could be hiding and you could be completely unaware it’s there.

You’re most likely to figure out that you have mold by the smell of mold in the air in your house. A musty smell is the often the first clue that something bad is going on in your house. Headaches, running noses, rashes that seemingly come from nowhere are all signs that mold is in your house. If you’re suffering from such problems and it’s possible for you to get away from your house for a couple weeks it would be a good idea to do so. Getting out of a moldy house could see your symptoms go away and prove that the problem is inside your house and thus give you a plan to be able to figure out exactly where the mold is and how to remove it. Crawlspaces are a massive breeding ground for mold. Spots that are left unchecked for years can end up being infested by mold and requite all sorts of work to finally get them cleaned out and made sanitary so you can feel comfortable living in your own house. Mold can often trigger serious health problems with people who suffer from asthma and are young. It’s reported that it could be as high as one in three people, thirty three percent of people, could have allergies from dealing with mold.

Types of Mold Including Green Mold

Most molds come in a bunch of different colors but generally speaking green is one that a lot of them can become. If you’re dealing with a mold in your house odds are it’ll be green. If you find a small bit of mold in your house you can deal with the problem and get rid of it before it becomes a serious problem. Bleach is a great way to kill mold and if you don’t mind dealing with harsh chemicals and the smell of bleach it should be your go to option for handling green mold in house. If you’re looking for a more natural solution to your mold problem you could look into using hydrogen peroxide as a cleaning agent. Vinegar is another great idea when it comes to handling the problem that is mold and is a safe, natural way to treat the issue. Baking soda can get rid of mold and if you don’t use it to treat the mold directly it’s not a bad idea to spread some of it around the area after the fact as it’ll soak up the moisture that is capable of causing the mold to grow. Keeping your house nice and dry is a great way to prevent mold from ever securing purchase on your property.

Now if mold is becoming a serious problem and it’s getting to the point where it’s no longer a do it yourself project (and really any mold that’s bigger than your hand is that) then it’s time to know who you should call on to handle green mold in house. You need to know if the person you are hiring is qualified to handle the job you are asking them to do. Not knowing if you can trust somebody to handle the work you’re looking them to do can cause you all sorts of stress and aggravation. You need somebody that knows exactly what to do and can handle the problem with a high level of professionalism and skill. Peace of mind is something that’s hard to come by in this world but you can earn it when you’re hiring people who truly get what the problem is because they’ve seen it countless times before and they can come up with a prompt and effective solution and get everything back to the way it was before you found all that green mold on walls.

The IICRC has certifications for people to learn how to remove and treat mold. Make sure the people you hire know their stuff and have put in the hours needed to be recognized by the government as being quality workers who know what to do since they have the proper understanding of the problem thanks to the highly informative courses they have taken to understand and treat mold.

Is Green Mold Dangerous?

Having people well trained in a problem and being skilled at having solutions for it is one of the great things you can rely on when you have a crisis. You likely know already the answer to the question is green mold dangerous. It’s dangerous to those who don’t know how to deal with it. Having knowledge of the situation and being able to trust people to handle exactly what you need done will put your mind at ease. Ask your mold removal specialist is mold dangerous to get a full breakdown of all the problems and troubles that could be caused by mold should you have to deal with it in your house. Hearing from experts will help you come to grips with what is happening and what needs to be done to protect and secure your house from trouble.

One of the more pernicious things about green mold is that it can return if not properly dealt with in the first place. Having a mold that grows in your house and then doesn’t go away after treatment can drive you nuts. You need to be able to have a plan that both removes the mold and takes away its ability to return. Having skilled professionals come to your house and handle the mold removal isn’t nearly enough. Green mold remediation is an even more important part of the job. Having the impacted areas of your house treated so that moisture cannot penetrate the area and allow for the mold to be able to regenerate is vital to make sure your house will be safe from all sorts of issues down the line. Your home can lose a great deal of value if it’s found to be a breeding ground for mold. You want to make sure that when the day comes that you want to sell your house you’ll be able to get top dollar for it, and having prospective buyers have confidence that your home is healthy, safe and totally mold free is one of the best ways to insure that you’ll get fair market value or even better for your house. This is why handling this problem with swift and decisive action is so important. You need to make sure you’re on top of things when it comes to protecting the health of your family and their fiscal wellbeing. Your house is your most valuable asset and protecting it from damage that could lower its value is of the utmost importance to any sensible home owner.

Green Mold in Basement

You’ve already learned what causes mold. The deadly triad of moisture, food, and time are the backbone upon which mold is brought to life and allowed to manifest itself into your house. Knowing that will allow you to help inspectors be able to find trouble areas quicker. Green mold in basement is a common problem, if your basement is unfinished that is the first place for any mold removal expert to go to so they can poke around and see if they can find mold. These people know exactly where mold is likely to be and will able to figure out the telltale signs that mold issues are plaguing your house and need to be dealt with. If there is exposed wooden supports in your basement it’s very possible there will be green mold on wood that will need to be treated and dealt with to make sure the air doesn’t become infested by mold spores that can cause all sorts of health problems for anyone in your house.

Saving things that have mold on them can be tricky. If you have green mold on carpet or green mold on furniture you’ll likely have to have a conversation with the removal specialist you have hired about what is the possibility of being able to keep the items that are currently infected with mold. Generally speaking something that is moldy is a lost cause and should be thrown out for the safety of the people in the area. It’s very hard to do proper mold remediation on carpets as the moisture may be far too intense to be removed without inflicting irreversible damage to the carpet itself. Trying to get the mold smell out of a sofa or chair that has been damaged by mold could be next to impossible and you’re likely going to have to give up and throw away these items. If your mold removal specialist does thing they can save an item then you had best do all you can to make sure that item stays nice and dry in the future. Should mold find its way back into the situation then you’ll know there’s no way this is going to work out and it’s time to move on.

mold can be a big problem but thankfully there are solutions. You can have a healthy, happy, and mold free house.

