Why men need purpose.

It is far too often that I see the life of many young men pass them by, with them realizing that they have successfully wasted, or have been wasting, their younger years. These men merely exist. This potentially puts them in an extremely dangerous situation as they get older. These men start feeling self-destructive, as it will seem as if nothing is going their way once they start approaching middle age. These men typically end up in a very depressed state with bad habits, suicidal thoughts, and addictions. However, it is not entirely their fault. Society is doing a great job of throwing the typical young man off task and by the time he realizes it, it will be too late for him to save himself. The good news, all of that is preventable for the most part. It is likely that once you get your mind right, and start chasing your purpose, you will soon find yourself thriving, instead of simply existing. As a young man, I too, am struggling with staying focused on my purpose, I personally believe it has to do with social media.

You see, all our acquaintances post false lifestyles, or should I say, they put on a show. The point of it? To make their life seem like the best possible life anybody could live. Most of them only post when they are simply out having fun, or on an adventure with an adrenaline rush. There is nothing particularly wrong with that, but what that ends up planting in the innocent viewers mind is a feeling of “missing out”, mixed with a little bit of jealously, and/or sadness. That unconscious feeling is enough to get into the viewers mind and throw them off their purpose. The next thing you know they push their priorities to the side (ultimately in a sacrificial manner), to create free time at a young age. They are so eager to get out and spend all their money to put on the best “show” for their viewers. This is not the type of life that I would recommend you live.

Luckily, I have recognized this hamster wheel of this lifestyle at a young age (23), and I am telling you, it is a path to nowhere. You are essentially living for other people’s approval, giving in and saying yes, every single time somebody asks you to hangout. When you choose pleasure at a young age, you will have too sacrifice pleasure at an older age. That is when you will fall into a depressed state, which is typically just a hamster wheel of unproductivity. You did not accomplish anything for yourself when you were at a younger age, so now you are old and depressed. It goes like this: You accomplish none of your goals, so you get depressed, then you continue to accomplish none of your goals because you are depressed, then you are depressed because you accomplished none of your goals. It goes round and round, just like a hamster wheel. It is a dangerous trap that you can avoid if you focus on yourself early on in life. Sadly, this is not a common mindset and not many people will ever explain this to you in such a wakening manner.

This subject can dive much deeper, but just to get your mind thinking, I am only trying to skin the surface for now. Here is something else that you need to consider as a man. If you pay attention to patterns of relationships, and people that you interact with on a daily basis, you may realize that men are not loved for who they are, they are merely loved for what they can do. Women and children are loved for who they are, but nobody cares about a grown man with no value, even other men. I hope you can see how all this is tying together. So not only will you have to deal with depression because you accomplished nothing in your early adulthood, as stated above, but now you have to deal with nobody loving you or even feeling bad for you.

A man with no purpose will inevitably fall into the depressed state later in life, and nine times out of ten he takes that mind to the grave with him, without even figuring out what his purpose even is in life. I promise you that if you chase women and pleasure now, you will have little pleasure later in life when you will need it the most. BUT if you chase your purpose now, instead of pleasure, not only will you always have options of pleasure during this present time of yours, you will continue to have them for the rest of your life. I believe that for a man to remain healthy, mentally, and physically throughout his life, he needs a purpose. Men are supposed to build.

Make sure you are planning your blueprints as early as possible so you can start your construction for your tower before you get too old. Pay attention to your natural talents and “god given” gifts. If you are naturally good at one thing, I want you to focus on that one thing. I want you to figure out a way that you can benefit society and the people you interact with, to leave them better than before your interaction with them. I want you to become the best in the world at doing that one single thing. That thing will be your purpose.

Restore The Game
4 min readOct 19, 2020

