Are your customers Alphas?

Jose Almeida
The Art of Sales and Negotiation
5 min readJun 21, 2022

One thing that surprises people in our training is when we associate customers with the term “Alphas.” This happened yesterday during training with one of the largest suppliers to retail companies.

Many of our client’s companies have indirect sales.

For example, our products or services’ real users are not our customers.

The question that often arises is: how do we energize a reseller network?

This is one of the areas where the “alphas” and discovering who they are is essential for the comercial success of our operation.

For example, when sometimes you work on the prescription with the end customer to stimulate the demand with the distributor, you have to keep in mind who are the “alphas” in your customers.

Now, whether in a distributor or a retailer, several levels need to be worked on.

One of the biggest mistakes that salespeople or sales reps make is that they only work the decision-maker profile on the spot and think this is enough.

In most cases, it is not.

A decision-maker can sign the purchase order and authorize the purchase, but they are often not a true “alpha” in the process.

Now, at this point, you are probably asking, but what is an “alpha” after all?

Anyone who owns dogs knows that in a pack of dogs, there is always a dog who is the leader, also called the “alpha”.

Usually, when we adopt a dog, we are naturally an alpha to that dog, unless his breed is a little more complicated and he tends to be the “alpha” in our home.

Until we show them who’s boss, we don’t do anything with the dog, and many problems arise.

In our client’s case, this also happens sometimes.

Sometimes the “alpha” is, in fact, the decision-maker, but this is not always the case.

Sometimes, the one in charge of the buying process is a profile that is not always seen, but when he opens his mouth, everything is ruined.

The owner may even be excited, but as soon as you leave, he opens his mouth and says something like:

“Hey Boss, are you going to order that much? That’s not going to sell!”
And from one moment to the next, a sale that could have been fantastic falls apart.

But what to do with these profiles?

First of all, identify them right from the start.

You are probably thinking:

“But how do I do that?”

It requires some practice, but most of all, it requires attention to every detail when we visit our clients.

For example, if we are on a visit to our client and we are presenting something to him and the team, we should look to see if he is asking for visual validation from any team member covertly.

As if to say:

“What do you think?”

Often all it takes is a raise of the eyebrows on the part of the “alpha” for the decision-maker to no longer feel comfortable at the moment of decision.

Once you have identified the “alpha,” try establishing an empathetic relationship with him.

Bring him to your side, remember details of his life, such as children, hobbies, etc…

Bring them small gifts, which can be as simple as a pen or, in a more creative way, a box of cakes for the team.

In short, please do everything you can to bring him to your side and ensure that the sales process doesn’t blow up after they have gone out the door.

This week, stop and think: Am I losing business because I am not identifying the “Alpha” in the sale?

Are your customers Alphas?

One thing that surprises people in our training is when we associate customers with the term “Alphas.” This happened yesterday during training with one of the largest suppliers to retail companies.

Many of our client’s companies have indirect sales.

For example, our products or services’ real users are not our customers.

The question that often arises is: how do we energize a reseller network?

This is one of the areas where the “alphas” and discovering who they are is essential for the comercial success of our operation.

For example, when sometimes you work on the prescription with the end customer to stimulate the demand with the distributor, you have to keep in mind who are the “alphas” in your customers.

Now, whether in a distributor or a retailer, several levels need to be worked on.

One of the biggest mistakes that salespeople or sales reps make is that they only work the decision-maker profile on the spot and think this is enough.

In most cases, it is not.

A decision-maker can sign the purchase order and authorize the purchase, but they are often not a true “alpha” in the process.

Now, at this point, you are probably asking, but what is an “alpha” after all?

Anyone who owns dogs knows that in a pack of dogs, there is always a dog who is the leader, also called the “alpha”.

Usually, when we adopt a dog, we are naturally an alpha to that dog, unless his breed is a little more complicated and he tends to be the “alpha” in our home.

Until we show them who’s boss, we don’t do anything with the dog, and many problems arise.

In our client’s case, this also happens sometimes.

Sometimes the “alpha” is, in fact, the decision-maker, but this is not always the case.

Sometimes, the one in charge of the buying process is a profile that is not always seen, but when he opens his mouth, everything is ruined.

The owner may even be excited, but as soon as you leave, he opens his mouth and says something like:

“Hey Boss, are you going to order that much? That’s not going to sell!”
And from one moment to the next, a sale that could have been fantastic falls apart.

But what to do with these profiles?

First of all, identify them right from the start.

You are probably thinking:

“But how do I do that?”

It requires some practice, but most of all, it requires attention to every detail when we visit our clients.

For example, if we are on a visit to our client and we are presenting something to him and the team, we should look to see if he is asking for visual validation from any team member covertly.

As if to say:

“What do you think?”

Often all it takes is a raise of the eyebrows on the part of the “alpha” for the decision-maker to no longer feel comfortable at the moment of decision.

Once you have identified the “alpha,” try establishing an empathetic relationship with him.

Bring him to your side, remember details of his life, such as children, hobbies, etc…

Bring them small gifts, which can be as simple as a pen or, in a more creative way, a box of cakes for the team.

In short, please do everything you can to bring him to your side and ensure that the sales process doesn’t blow up after they have gone out the door.

This week, stop and think: Am I losing business because I am not identifying the “Alpha” in the sale?

Originally published at Results Driven.



Jose Almeida
The Art of Sales and Negotiation

Sales and Negotiation, Trainer, Coach and Speaker. Author of several sales articles and books. Made his career in sales and leadership in several companies.