Are your customers in layers?

Jose Almeida
The Art of Sales and Negotiation
3 min readMar 10, 2020


From a culinary point of view, we are thinking of layers of fresh pasta in lasagna, layers of biscuits and butter in a biscuit cake, layers of puff pastry where you can’t miss an excellent filling. It doesn’t matter what the initial or final layer is, as they are all equally important and identical. But customer layers? How to visualize these layers of fantastic customers that we all have in companies? And what do these layers mean?

I bet not all customers are the same. Although all are important and fundamental to the survival of each company, we can say that the top layer is often unique.

So, the layers of customer classifications will be different depending on billing and billing potential in the near future, in which case we have several layers. The time horizon for this classification is typically one year, but it can vary depending on the type of business and the duration of the business cycle.

A Customers

It is the customers who bring us about 80% of the invoicing or represent 80% of the invoicing potential. Have you heard of Pareto’s law? In fact, 80% of something is often based on 20% of another variable.

In a billing context, “A” customers are too important for companies and, as such, can never be neglected. There must be a fully controlled visit and follow-up plans. In certain…



Jose Almeida
The Art of Sales and Negotiation

Sales and Negotiation, Trainer, Coach and Speaker. Author of several sales articles and books. Made his career in sales and leadership in several companies.