Do you know how to use sales mistakes to learn?

Jose Almeida
The Art of Sales and Negotiation
3 min readNov 22, 2021

We all make mistakes in sales.

The more we are rushed and busy, the more likely this is to happen.

How do we deal with these ups and downs in our professional activity?

I want to analyze with you how we can face all these situations and remain optimistic about them.

We have two ways of looking at these situations.

Positively or negatively.

People who negatively look at most things are in the habit of acting in the role of victims and see life as a succession of problems, injustices, or oppressions.

They usually don’t expect much from life and, correspondingly, don’t get much out of life.

When things go wrong, they shrug their shoulders and passively accept that this is life and that they can do nothing to make it better.

On the other hand, people who look at life positively see the world around them as full of opportunities and possibilities to be happy and prosperous.

They believe that everything that happens results from a learning process that is not always accessible. It is destined to bring them success and happiness, provided they are willing to take advantage of it.

They usually look at life, relationships and work with optimism and joy, full of positive expectations.

They expect a lot from life, and they usually get a lot out of life.

One of the inner resources that can do the most for our success and happiness is learning from our mistakes.

When we become this kind of person, we see obstacles and difficulties as opportunities to develop our mental muscles and move forward.

The saying goes, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

We look at these problems in sales as rungs on our ladder to success, which we climb step by step safely and confidently.

It’s funny how the Chinese have a natural and spontaneous view of this process.

In China, the character that represents problem also represents opportunity.

Nothing could be more right.

There are usually two most common ways of dealing with the mistakes we will make throughout our life, generally fatal to our success.

The first mistake we make when we make a mistake is that we do not accept failure.

According to statistics, 70% of the decisions we will have to make throughout our lives will be wrong.

This is on average. Some will have more than 70%, some less.

If this is indeed the case, we must learn to deal with mistakes and failures more beneficial to our success and happiness.

What is certain is that our society, our family, our companies, and our relationships will continue to progress, despite the mistakes.


Because some people learn to accept mistakes and difficulties and see them as positive things.

Do you think that if Thomas Edison, who invented the light bulb, were afraid of making mistakes, we would ever have the light bulb today?

People who positively look at life learn to see mistakes and difficulties as learning opportunities and recognize that by making mistakes, they get closer to their goals.

To accept the mistakes and difficulties!

Learn from them! You will see how everything will start to change in your life.

Originally published at Results Driven.



Jose Almeida
The Art of Sales and Negotiation

Sales and Negotiation, Trainer, Coach and Speaker. Author of several sales articles and books. Made his career in sales and leadership in several companies.