Free Resume Assessment

Resume Glitz
1 min readJan 7, 2023


It’s easier to get caught up in the intricacies of the individual parts, neglecting how they all fit together in the final resume form. A thorough resume review can assist you in focusing on the big picture.

You’ll notice that your talents section positioning is either missing or out of sync with your achievements. That is why you must devote sufficient time to proofreading and quality assurance.

Is your CV overly packed or unpleasant visually? Based on your work title, Resume Glitz detects design issues and proposes a better template.

Resume Glitz, which is designed to check for the finer elements of your resume, will uncover misspellings and grammatical and punctuation mistakes so you don’t leave your application to chance.

Only a few minutes after sending the email did you notice a clear word repetition in your resume?

Resume Glitz is intended to monitor and highlight the repeating verbs, phrases, and cliches that we systematically use when we are at a loss for words.

Words like “many,” “many,” “little,” “a lot of” and their synonyms detract from the quality of your resume since they do not convey an accurate picture of your effect.

Resume Glitz looks at non-performance-oriented experience and reminds you to incorporate an actionable outcome, preferably with a number or metric attained. With the content analyzer, you can avoid embarrassing spelling errors and get hands-on advice on how to enhance your material. That’s what makes us the Free Resume Assessment.

