RenQ Finance’s Raises $14 Million in Pre-Sales: Exposed as Elaborate Deception: A Shocking Investigation Unveils the Truth

6 min readApr 28, 2023


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are personal opinions and should not be considered as financial advice. Renq Finance may not be a scam, but individual experiences may vary. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and make informed decisions.

Are you ready for the inside scoop on how the scammers at RenQ finance are duping gullible investors? It’s all about the money rotation. These fraudsters are masters of deception, using a clever system of withdrawing and reinvesting funds to make it look like they’re raking in the dough.

But don’t be fooled, folks. This is all smoke and mirrors. The truth is, they’re sending the money to Binance and KuCoin only to send it right back to their own wallets and to RenQ finance wallet address. It’s a never-ending cycle of deception, designed to lure in unsuspecting victims.

Check these wallet addresses: Funds are sent to them from
RenQ wallet
0x7957913ac43308e7d569db2e6825dd5cc4875c13 & they are sent back to RenQ wallet in small amounts.

Check this wallet: 0xAfC104257d2fF52a917dF220bA24f6672C06830d

In small amounts, funds are sent to the renq wallet & back to it

Check this wallet: 0x4f7c4cd8c28f901f309e53649029cd765e35aaf2

15 ETH & 10 ETH sent to this address just to buy RENQ tokens

Also these wallet addresses:




When community members asked for a team AMA in the Telegram chat, they were told to refer to the white paper. If they persisted as investors, other gang members posing as genuine investors talked down to them which is proved here.

List of RenQ Finance Telegram Users based on their joining date. People acting like normal investors are the ones who joined the group even before the admins and moderators.

RenQ Finance Telegram User List sorted by Join date

Supposedly people who cause FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) are blocked or kicked out which is anyone who asks questions which they cant answer.

So we can see the main Renq finance wallet address: 0x7957913ac43308e7d569db2e6825dd5cc4875c13

For this address, here are the wallet addresses which did the most incoming transactions:

  1. 0xb0f3a5f1152f8c0771e4b7650a18ac26b457ae08 — 276 transactions
    over 137 Eth=274k USD
  2. 0xe55e4c363bdebbd7e2cc03fe702caebbdf56809e — 186 transactions
  3. 0xbaa96c0526dd4a6f4a80037a3396c653f495be4d — 161 transactions
  4. 0xe07d5bc3488637b7eac7e30418b0902fd2cb2de5–131 transactions
  5. 0x78bF77498Aa8CcE7F17F531Ee92c6eDf8c9BA2FC — 113 transactions

So is there an investor who put in their money in presale, 276 times?
Is there another investor who put in their funds, 186 times?
And others who put in their funds 161 times and 131 times?

In fact, it is likely that the RenQ finance team themselves are responsible for these transactions, as they have been sending funds back and forth from the same wallet addresses in order to inflate their presale numbers. Thats why the funds are transferred away each day(to keep them safe ofcourse)

This raises concerns about the legitimacy and transparency of the project, as investors may be misled about the actual level of interest and participation in the presale.

And if you think they’re just pulling in hundreds of thousands of dollars each day, think again.

The reality is, they’re withdrawing $200k per day, and then putting it right back the next day using multiple small accounts. The rest of the money that you send them? Well, that’s their real profit.
Read further to see it clearly explained below

When community members asked Renq Finance why they withdrew funds from the contract, instead of leaving them visible for investors to see, they responded by saying they did it to diversify and keep the funds safe. However, these funds were seen going to Binance and KuCoin, and the trail dont end there.

What they’re hiding is that the same funds come back to the same contract in small amounts using multiple accounts.

Check the article on RenQ Wallet tracking here:

Supposedly people who cause FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) are blocked or kicked out which is anyone who asks questions which they cant answer.

The team’s lack of transparency is evident in their inability to provide a wallet address to show that they are holding the funds. Without any evidence of holding funds, it’s highly likely that they are inflating the value of their coin.

Moreover, the frequent downtime of their website is a testament to their lack of technical expertise. It raises the question of how a team that struggles to maintain a website can bridge independent blockchains together.

Furthermore, there is no evidence of an actual team behind Renq Finance. The absence of updates about the project on social media and their website is alarming, especially given the false advertising about Renq being better than Doge and beating Polygon.

Many investors have questioned the legitimacy of the team, as their LinkedIn accounts are relatively new, and their images are AI-generated. Instead of addressing these concerns, the team has conveniently removed the images and Linkedin links, further fueling suspicion.


But here’s the kicker: the top wallet addresses associated with this scam are linked to other fraudulent activities.

Take wallet address 0x5acc84a3e955Bdd76467d3348077d003f00fFB97, for example which did significant transactions with the RenQ wallet.

It’s been flagged by the Philippine SEC as part of a Ponzi scheme, specifically tied to

And take wallet address 0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e. That’s the hot wallet for Bitfinex, another shady operation.

So, let this be a warning to all. Don’t fall for their slick tactics or the allure of easy money. Stay vigilant, and do your research before investing a single penny.

If you need help investigating or researching a new project before you invest, I am available for a fee. Please feel free to reach out to me on telegram @harrisonhart

Check the article on RenQ Wallet tracking here:

Check the article on Digitoads team here:

I strongly advise that it is more prudent to spend a nominal fee to verify the legitimacy of a project rather than to risk losing thousands of dollars investing in it. Can write to me on telegram Harrison Hart.

Remember, it is always better to spend a small amount to confirm the legitimacy of a project than to lose a significant investment.

Also if you find value in my work and would like to support me, you can donate Bitcoin at bc1qghu7ymyc97e56g6tgtsjadxch90y3xf8lvsz9j
or Ethereum at 0xBA86E408a006E09618bBdDB53d7A4a9c07E834b3
or Solana at 8279AsEfmxVptSer6jBxjGS2roDdRN8bYYPaE9JX1Pna

Your contribution will not only help me continue my investigation but also inspire me to create more meaningful content.

If you would like to stay informed on the latest scams and investigations, please do not hesitate to contact me. I welcome your thoughts and insights on this important topic. You can reach me on Telegram at @harrisonhart. Thank you for your interest.




Passionate investigator and writer, dedicated to empowering others. Open to impactful projects and discussions. Let's make a difference together.