Urgent Warning: Retik Finance Exposed as a Scam — Heartbreaking Replay RenQ Finance

4 min readJan 6, 2024


Investors, be on high alert! Retik Finance has emerged on the scene, bearing striking resemblances to the notorious 2023 scam, RenQ Finance, which duped investors out of over 14 million dollars, left countless dreams shattered and pockets emptied.

The parallels between the two are chilling and demand immediate attention.

RenQ Finance

RenQ Finance Déjà Vu:
Remember the anguish of RenQ Finance? A tale of promises shattered, hopes dashed, and trust obliterated. Over 14 million dollars raised, only to witness the coin’s value plummet after launch. The heartbreak was compounded by the revelation that RenQ’s team was nothing but a cruel illusion — AI-generated images preying on our vulnerability.

Retik Finance: A Sinister Encore:
Fast forward to the present, and the bitter taste of betrayal returns with Retik Finance. It’s not merely a repetition; it’s a sinister encore. What’s even more alarming is Retik’s audacity — they don’t even bother to feign a team. Transparency, the cornerstone of trust, is utterly absent.

Silent Echoes in the Shadows:
In the silence of Retik Finance’s undisclosed team, echoes of RenQ’s deceit reverberate. Our hearts ache as we witness a repetition of the same playbook, a lack of remorse, and an utter disregard for the emotional toll inflicted on unsuspecting investors.

Identical Advertising Platforms:
These scammers aren’t just repeating their tactics; they’re using the exact same advertising platforms as RenQ Finance. The platforms that played a role in promoting the 2023 scam are now being leveraged for Retik Finance. It’s a clear sign that the same individuals are behind both operations. Writing great articles about how Retik Finance is the future of Crypto. They are all paid adverts just as before.

A Dire Warning to Past Victims:
To those who fell victim to RenQ Finance, beware! Retik Finance is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and history is poised to repeat itself. The absence of a disclosed team and the replication of advertising strategies strongly suggest that this is not an honest venture. Warn your brethren, share your story, and let your pain become a beacon of caution for those who may unknowingly tread the same treacherous path.

Money Rotation Tactic:
These scammers have a playbook, and one of their favorite tactics is rotating money. They extract funds from wallets and then repurchase, creating a façade of ongoing fundraising. It’s a deceptive ploy to lure unsuspecting investors into a false sense of security. Money is rotated to create the illusion of ongoing fundraising. It’s a deceitful choreography aimed at ensnaring unsuspecting souls in a web of false promises.

Stay Vigilant, Stay Safe:
It’s crucial to recognize the patterns and tactics employed by these scammers. Retik Finance is not an exception; it’s a continuation of a dangerous trend. Investors, exercise utmost caution, stay informed, and spread the word. In these moments of collective vulnerability, let us embrace vigilance. Be each other’s keepers, sounding the alarm against the encroaching storm. Our shared strength lies in our shared caution.

The crypto world is unfortunately rife with bad actors, and Retik Finance has all the hallmarks of a scam. Learn from the past, and don’t let history repeat itself. Warn your fellow investors, share this message far and wide, and together, let’s create an informed and vigilant community that stands against fraudulent schemes.

Stay safe, stay aware! Retik Finance, like its predecessor, threatens the sanctity of our aspirations. Let our collective voice be a rallying cry against fraudulent schemes. Let it be a testament to our resilience and an anthem of hope for a future where trust is sacred.

Fellow investors, stay safe, stay vigilant, and may our collective wisdom illuminate the path forward.

If you need help investigating or researching a new project before you invest, I am available for a fee. Please feel free to reach out to me on telegram @harrisonhart

Check the article on RenQ Wallet tracking here:

Check the article on Digitoads team here:

I strongly advise that it is more prudent to spend a nominal fee to verify the legitimacy of a project rather than to risk losing thousands of dollars investing in it. Can write to me on telegram Harrison Hart.

Remember, it is always better to spend a small amount to confirm the legitimacy of a project than to lose a significant investment.

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If you would like to stay informed on the latest scams and investigations, please do not hesitate to contact me. I welcome your thoughts and insights on this important topic. You can reach me on Telegram at @harrisonhart. Thank you for your interest.




Passionate investigator and writer, dedicated to empowering others. Open to impactful projects and discussions. Let's make a difference together.