The suppression of feminine energies

How it’s destroying us and the planet

Richard Dean Ⓥ


Whether you are a female or a male, we all have both feminine and masculine energies flowing inside of us. Like Yin and Yang, they are what balances us and makes us whole.

Feminine Energy is associated with sensitivity and creativity. It’s being in a state of "feeling". We use it when we tap into our intuition and our imagination. With intuition we can sense energies by feeling them, and with imagination we have the ability to create.

Masculine Energy is associated with force and ego. It's being in a state of "thinking". We use it for logical reasoning and for survival. Although, too much masculine energy can be destructive. Ego is not a bad thing, (it controls our will power) but if indulged, it can create selfishness and prejudice.

For many centuries, we have been living in a "Man's World". Men are in control and they made sure masculine energy remains a constant. They have done this by keeping us distracted and busy. If we are too busy thinking and focused on survival, then we will never tap into our intuition. We will miss great opportunities and overlook important truths.

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." ~Buddha

As men we have to suppress our feminine side. If we fail to do so, then we will be ridiculed, and in some cases even abused physically. We are taught "Kindness is a weakness" and "Every man for them-self" (Not even acknowledging women). Most people associate feminine as weak and masculine as strong, however, that is just a social construct.

We have been taught to think this way, so we would shut out love and trust from our hearts. Even now I am still trying to override the subliminal programming of our society. Having had a feminist/sociologist as a partner has really opened my eyes. I use to think that feminists hated men, like most people, but that’s just another lie that was constructed by society.

Men always have to pay the tab in a restaurant and if a women makes more money than them, then they feel inadequate. Why is that? Do most men really believe they must be superior to women in order to be respected? Are their egos really that strong that they can’t even imagine being lesser than a female in any aspect?

In most religions people are taught only to worship the heavenly father. What about the heavenly mother? What happened to her? If she is Mother Earth then shouldn’t we worship her too? Without her we could not survive. She feeds us and gives us breath every day and yet we ignore her and continue to disrespect her. We have been forced to ignore the very essence of femininity (not to mention females).

Women are barely gaining equal rights after many centuries, and even so, we still oppress and demean them. Society teaches men to treat women disrespectfully in order to seem more masculine. We are taught that women like men that are jerks to them. Maybe some girls do, but that's because they have also been taught to think this way.

The Machista way of thinking is separating us and soon it will be the end of us and this planet. We don’t even realize it’s happening because it seems normal to us. We have to rethink it all and question everything, then we can become more aware of the bad programming.

We are all trained to think instead of feel and that has made us desensitized. This is just another means of control and power. If we were all to start loving each other and overcome prejudice, then we wouldn’t need guns anymore, and we would find ways to preserve the planet. Many companies would go out of business, and "The Shadow Souls" would not be happy.

I wish I could say that I have overcome all the programming of society, but that’s impossible since I have only just begun to notice it. It’s not easy to change the way you think over night, but once you understand how important it is, then you can analyze and over analyze it. Every day try to counter bad habits and negative thoughts.

Remember "The Power of Thoughts" and how they affect our collective consciousness. As long as one person adjusts to a concept, more will follow, and they will also begin to think the same way. You alone have the power to change the world and the minds of everyone in it.

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." ~Ghandi

If you are a man reading this, don’t feel offended and especially don’t feel like less of a man for opening your heart to these concepts. Stop “thinking” and start “feeling”. Don’t let them take away your intuition! Take back control of your mind and heart!

The only person who can define how manly you are, is yourself. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone so let go of your ego, it can only lead to trouble. Don’t forget to respect all life and treat it how you would like to be treated, after all, we are all one in the same experiencing subjectivity.

In each of us two powers preside, one male, one female… The androgynous mind is resonant and porous… naturally creative, incandescent and undivided.” ~Virginia Woolf

Remember who you are. You are eternal and you have the power to create. Good luck on your journey! Be strong and be a rebel! True strength comes from within!

~Richard Dean

Song Recommendations From Tool: “Reflection” and “Parabol/Parabola”



Richard Dean Ⓥ

Advocate for Mother Earth. Hardcore skeptic, writing from the heart.