Freelance outsourcing photography editing -review

Michael Berdy
5 min readJul 28, 2017


Photo making now is the very tremulous process for every photographer. For them photo shooting is their main business. Therefore, photos must be edited for further commerce purposes. I know that it is hard to find needful photo editing company, which can fulfill your requirements in professional photo editing. Outsource photo editing for photographers may be your exit from this confusing situation.

Photo retouching outsourcing

Outsourcing photo editing services

Leslie Flores is professional wedding photographer, who tells about outsource photography editing as an inalienable part of every photographer`s business. I have read her blog and I am impressed by her detailing writing about all specifics in outsourcing photo editing services. Thus, I want to share with you my opinions about this article and Leslie`s experience in finding photo editing companies for photographers and its advantages and disadvantages.

Leslie pays attention to this fact, that saving reputation of photographers is on the first place. I definitely agree with her, because you should spend much time with your objects of shooting, than in front of a computer. That is why freelance retouching can surely solve this problem. Here Leslie discovers us some features in outsourcing photo editing services. You can find them in Internet, but you can spend much time by finding right photo editing company. Honestly, I do not know any freelance photo retouching companies, but Flores opens to us the most famous and usable she has ever tried.

Outcource photo editing

Freelance photo retouching

Well, she tells us about Upwork. It is the most trustful freelance retouching place, where you can find the amount of professional photo editing services, or even individual photo editors. I was surprised that such platforms are existing! This is really useful information for you! I became surprised after Leslie`s mentioning about the possibility of controlling of choosing right photo editing company for photographers. But you must have Upwork portfolio photo retoucher first.

Of course, to find a needful freelance retoucher is a great process. You must identify with your wishes and purposes in photo editing process. Such task demands making a mark with these purposes in your Upwork portfolio photo retoucher. That is simplifies it, I think.

Finding best photo retouchers is a main step. Leslie tells that you must pay much attention to Upwork retouher profiles and its details, what can help to determinate best photo retouchers. She created her own little list of issues of online outsourcing to photography editors.

For example, pay attention to their prices, because higher prizes gives you more chances in successfully outsourcing editing photographers (more than 25 dollars per hour). That is her first ussie.

portrait photo editing

Then she talks about location of different freelance photo retoucher. She tells that there some criteria in choosing right location, but I think it depends on their direct photo editing skills. So, choose any country courageously, just watch their Upwork retoucher profiles.

Another issue is in paying attention for English language. For the better freelance photo retouching`s outcome you better make sure in freelancers English understanding.

The last one is that you better to find a freelance photo editing permanent partner, because it rises your chance to find your necessary photo editing company for photographers. I think I is the right rule, so do not miss it.

Then we have certain reasons, which shows us finding the useful image editing company as very long process. I think it is quite unfair, because there are the amount of different professional photographers outsource editing, which is available for everyone. It is the question of getting profit, but Leslie Flores thinks otherwise, so I prefer to agree with her. Also she mentions about time zones and the great distance between editors and your location. You should be patient.

beauty retouching outsoutcing

The Leslie`s review describes about communication on Upwork as the most important task for you. It is explains by Upwork photo retoucher variety mentality, so you can misunderstand each other. Phone right are not available here, so you will have to connect with freelance retouchers by your PC or by your mobile devise. Therefore, I think it will be more quickly to connect by these ways, but you will wait less than 3 days anyway. And one more inalienable thing Leslie pays much more attention — you should not outsource your important photography`s works to every photo editing company until you will find a compromise in outsourcing photo editing with the freelancer you prefer. It is includes prices and the type of retouching you want to establish. Moreover, Flores says about importance of paying attention to photo retoucher salary. In fact, the smaller salary he has, than the smaller reputation he has too. You will lose your retouching outcomes, time and an another candidate.

For sure, you may seem, that outsource image editing is the unreliable task, because you trust your works to strange persons, but you can be sure in Upworks competence. This service keeps your photos in confidence. As you know, wedding photography is very tremulous and specific phenomenon, so do not worry about copyright saving. That is for what the Upwork service is existing! Lesly confirms my words in her blog.

I repeat, that finding your suitable photo editing company may take much time than you expected. Lesly tells that she has found some individual freelance photo retouchers. Of course, some of them fulfilled her orders in long terms, but in other cases she got unattractive goals and negative commentaries. Unfortunately, she could not refuse her money or order second freelance photo editing for free. So, watch attentively to whom you can trust with necessary preparation.

photo editing company outsourcing

However, Lesly talks about three most common and popular professional photo editing services, which I also came across earlier. These are Fixthephoto, Wedding retouching and Weededit. I know them well, so I can tell you, that these services are more competence, than other freelance photo editing services for photographers. By outsourcing to them, you will get simple creating accounts, professional and fast support, short terms of retouching and fast images loading. I propose you to try these services, just like Flores in her review. Although, you can learn on your mistakes by outsourcing photo editing to freelancers.

