10 Ayahuasca Mantras To Trust and Surrender During The Ceremony

…And some tips on how to use them

Retreat Ayahuasca
7 min readMay 7, 2024
A person in style of ayahuasca while meditating

People can feel resistant during an Ayahuasca ceremony for various reasons, including psychological, emotional, and even physical factors. Especially when trying for the first time.

Resistance typically arises due to different factors:

  • Fear of the Unknown: Ayahuasca often brings profound and sometimes unpredictable experiences. Fear of what might be encountered during the journey, such as intense emotions, challenging memories, or visions, can lead to resistance.
  • Resistance to Surrender: Some people can find control and letting go of the ego difficult. They may resist surrendering to the experience and allowing the medicine to guide them, especially if they are conditioned to be in control of their thoughts and emotions.
  • Past Trauma or Negative Experiences: Individuals with unresolved trauma or past negative experiences may encounter resistance during the ceremony. The medicine can bring these issues to the surface for healing, but the initial discomfort may lead to resistance.
  • Attachment to the Self-Identity: Ayahuasca has a way of dissolving the boundaries of the self and revealing deeper truths about one’s identity. Individuals may resist letting go of their ego and the constructs of their self-image, fearing a loss of identity or sense of control.
  • Physical Discomfort: Ayahuasca can induce physical sensations such as nausea, vomiting, or purging, which some individuals may resist or find uncomfortable. The physical discomfort can trigger psychological resistance as well.
  • Cultural or Religious Conditioning: Cultural or religious beliefs may influence how individuals perceive and approach the Ayahuasca experience. Some people may feel resistant due to conflicting beliefs or concerns about the appropriateness of the ceremony within their cultural or religious framework.
  • Lack of Trust: Trust in the facilitators, ceremonial space, and medicine is crucial for a positive Ayahuasca experience. If people lack trust in any of these aspects, they may feel resistant to fully surrendering to the process.

That’s why the use of certain mantras before and during the ayahuasca ceremony can serve as powerful tools for preparing the mind and spirit for the transformative journey.

They help individuals align their intentions, surrender to the experience, build trust, stay grounded, and cultivate gratitude, ultimately facilitating a deeper and more meaningful connection with the medicine and themselves.

7-DAY Ayahuasca Costa Rica

Here You Have 10 Ayahuasca Mantras

To surrender to the wisdom of the plant, trust in its guidance, and embrace the journey with humility and openness:

  1. “I trust in the wisdom of Ayahuasca to reveal what I need to see for my highest good.”
  2. “I let go of control and surrender to the flow of the journey, knowing that every experience serves a purpose.”
  3. “I surrender to the medicine’s intelligence, allowing it to guide me through the depths of my being with compassion and clarity.”
  4. “I release resistance and embrace the unknown, knowing that within it lies the potential for profound healing and growth.”
  5. “I surrender my ego and open my heart to the teachings of Ayahuasca, knowing that true transformation begins with humility and acceptance.”
  6. “I surrender to the wisdom of the plant and the journey it offers. I trust in its guidance and surrender to its healing.”
  7. “I am open to receiving the teachings and insights that arise. I welcome all experiences with love and acceptance.”
  8. “I release all resistance and fear. I am safe and supported in this sacred space, surrounded by love and healing energies.”
  9. “With each breath, I let go of any tension or discomfort. I allow the medicine to flow through me, cleansing and purifying my mind, body, and spirit.”
  10. “I am grateful for this opportunity for growth and transformation. I embrace the journey with courage, humility, and gratitude.”

Choose the one you feel the most.

How To Use Mantras Effectively

To effectively use a mantra during an Ayahuasca ceremony to address resistance, you can follow these steps:

Settle into a Calm State:

Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Allow your body and mind to relax as much as possible.

Choose a Mantra:

Select a mantra that resonates with you and addresses the specific resistance or challenge you’re experiencing. For example, if you’re struggling with fear, you might choose a mantra about surrendering to the experience or trusting in the wisdom of the medicine.

Repeat the Mantra:

Begin silently repeating the chosen mantra to yourself, either in your mind or softly aloud. Focus on the words and the intention behind them, allowing them to penetrate your consciousness and guide your thoughts.

Feel the Intention:

As you repeat the mantra, connect with the intention behind it. Feel the sense of surrender, trust, or acceptance permeating your being. Visualize yourself releasing resistance and opening up to the healing energies of the medicine.

Allow the Mantra to Guide You:

Let the mantra serve as a guiding light through moments of resistance or discomfort. Whenever you feel resistance arising, gently bring your focus back to the mantra, allowing it to anchor you in a state of openness and trust.

Be Patient and Persistent:

Healing and transformation can take time, so be patient with yourself and the process. If resistance persists, continue using the mantra throughout the ceremony, trusting that it will gradually help you navigate through any challenges that arise.

Reflect on the Experience:

After the ceremony, take some time to reflect on your experience with the mantra. Notice any shifts in your mindset or emotions and consider how the mantra may have influenced your journey.

Repeating your mantras (A Few More Tips)

Frequency of Repetition:

There isn’t a set number of times you need to repeat the mantra. Instead, it’s more about the quality of repetition and how deeply you connect with the intention behind the words.

You might find yourself repeating the mantra continuously for a period, or you might repeat it intermittently as needed throughout the ceremony. Trust your intuition and let it guide you on how often to repeat the mantra.


Repeat the mantra whenever you feel resistance arising or whenever you feel the need for grounding and guidance. This might be during moments of intense emotions, discomfort, or when your mind starts to wander away from the present moment.

The mantra serves as a tool to bring you back to the center and align your focus with the intention you’ve set for the ceremony.

Depth of Engagement:

As you repeat the mantra, focus not only on the words themselves but also on the feeling and intention behind them. Let the words sink deep into your consciousness, allowing them to permeate your being with a sense of surrender, trust, and openness.

Feel the resonance of the mantra in your heart and soul, reinforcing your commitment to the healing journey.

Use of Breath:

You can synchronize the repetition of the mantra with your breath to enhance its effectiveness.

For example, you might inhale deeply while silently reciting the first part of the mantra and exhale slowly while repeating the second part. This rhythmic breathing pattern can help deepen your state of relaxation and concentration, amplifying the potency of the mantra.

Integration with Ceremony:

Incorporate the mantra seamlessly into the flow of the ceremony, weaving it into your overall experience with Ayahuasca. Allow the mantra to become a constant companion, guiding you through the peaks and valleys of the journey with grace and resilience.

Trust that the power of the mantra will work synergistically with the medicine to facilitate healing and transformation.

These mantras can be repeated silently or aloud, whichever feels most comfortable for you.

However, In some ceremonial settings, speaking aloud may disrupt the flow or ambiance of the space, particularly during moments of silence or deep introspection.

Additionally, if you’re experiencing physical discomfort or purging, speaking may be challenging or uncomfortable

The most important factor is to choose the method that feels most comfortable and effective for you at the moment.

Trust your intuition and allow it to guide you in finding the most authentic expression of the mantra for your healing and transformation.

Hope it was helpful!

If you haven’t booked your Ayahuasca retreat yet check this out:

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Retreat Ayahuasca

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