Matej ‘Retro’ Jan
1 min readFeb 11, 2017


Pre-rendering is definitely one of the ways I’m thinking about optimizing it in the future. That would also allow me to do dithered backgrounds like I had them in my original design.

But this then puts stress on the CPU of the server, to do these renderings. I’d have to see what an impact that would be.

Another option that might actually be viable at some point is also to go into full hardware rendering with WebGL. Then I can do both the blurring and dithering in graphics shaders. It’d be similar to running a game on your computer.

There are other things that need to be improved, for example going back and forth between pages. If you return from a daily page back to the calendar, you start back at the top and need to scroll back down to where you clicked on the day.

I’ve ironed out a lot of small details like that, but there’s always more to lose time on. Right now I have to focus back on the game, so any improvements will have to wait for a later time. I do plan to create the 2017 version of the page soon though, so people can track their current progress.

Thanks for your lovely response!

