Anonymous retrospective feedback and product improvements
3 min readAug 7, 2020


Product update (Aug, 7th)

Post anonymous retrospective feedback

We’ve received a feature request from some scrum masters asking that they’d like to post their feedback anonymously on the retrospective board. They encourage their team members to post anonymously so they can get better discussions during the retro.

We listened and turned this into a feature, you can now just click on the ‘mask’ to toggle on or off the anonymous mode while posting retrospective feedback.

We added a welcome tour on the retrospective board

We noticed some users could get more out of, for instance by converting retrospective feedback into to-dos. Which not everyone uses.

We added a tiny product tour on the retrospective board to guide them through all buttons.

We’ve also improved our welcome emails with animated gifs to give you a better product tour.

More automations

We‘ve added 3 automations when your trial expires. So when you forget, you can just upgrade to a paid plan via next week’s reminder.

User growth

It’s been a good month and we gained 700+ users in 30 days.

Shout out

Finally as promised a big shout out to TeamMood for putting as number #3 on the list of best online retrospective tools

Do you need an online retrospective tool?

Enjoy the benefits of an online retrospective tool. It’s more transparent, easier, faster and allows remote retrospectives. With just a few clicks you’ve created your first retro board. Click here to register.

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Have a great weekend!

