Dante Brown
3 min readOct 26, 2018


The Actual Authoritarian Globalists…

It’s time to call a spade a god damn spade. Trump is, in fact, and has always been a mercenary for the highest bidder on the global stage. The Trump clan is essentially nothing more than a band of mercenaries hired by the “globalists” (read: global oligarchy) to further their agenda. Trump is not opposed to the globalists he in fact admires them and wants to join their exclusive club. Trump worships money power and influence and will do anything and say anything to increase his wealth, maximize his power and expand his sphere of influence. It is now abundantly clear now that the President of the United States works for the Saudis, Israelis, and United Arab Emirates, possibly others. It is now abundantly clear that the president of the United States has ties to former Soviet Union oligarchs and Russian and Italian mafia. It is now abundantly clear that the president of the United States admires Kim Jong-Un, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jingping, Rodrigo Dueterte and other authoritarian strongmen around the world.

The idea of just being against global institutions that hold bad actors accountable doesn’t make you anti-globalist. And looking out for your own self interest as a government doesn’t make you nationalist. We now know that Trump helped launder $100 billion dollars from the Kazakhstan central bank. We now know that Trump was cool with the former Indonesian speaker of the house that is now in prison for numerous corruption charges. We already knew that Sheldon Adelson controls Trump like he does Netanyahu. We already knew that Trump makes a lot of money from the Saudis. We already know that Jared Kushner is doing political favors to pay off his massive debt. It’s clear as day that all of the Trump administrations policies are geared towards benefiting the elite and punishing the vulnerable or “undesirable”.

This is why Trump has basically given Israel a free hand to use Gazans as target practice. This is why Trump has basically given Egypt a free hand to lock up anyone who is even remotely critical of the regime. This is why Trump gave the Saudis a free hand in Yemen causing 13 million people to be on the brink of starvation. This is why Trump increased aid to Israel but cut aid to Central American countries.

The NY Times op-ed of anonymous senior official(s) and Bob Woodward’s book on the Trump administration together also reveal Trump is controlled by the Deep State aka Deep Establishment. This is why Trump wanted to do regime change in Venezuela and was talked out of it. This is why Trump wanted to assassinate Bashar Al-Asaad in Syria but “Mad Dog” Mattis ignored the order. This is why Gary Cohn had to literally snatch papers off of Trump’s desk to “protect the country”. This actually explains a lot; this is why the mushroom cloud hasn’t appeared yet because Trump’s own people have to undermine “parts of his agenda” in order to keep us all from dying. Trump has no idea how to run a country because running a country is not like running a business and he also sucks at running businesses and he thinks corruption is apart of normal business practice.

A lot of the people around Trump are literally the old guard that Trump criticized again and again during his campaign: Gina Haspel, Brett Kavanaugh, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo etc. Trump is just the new hideous face to an already hideous sociopathic plutocratic regime that has always existed in the United States. The new boss is the same as the old boss.

Dante Brown

“The Adventures of The Angry Anarchist In Africa” Coming soon…