4 min readAug 16, 2021

Xircus - The well Innovated Space for Developing NFT marketplaces

As of recent, the crypto currency cyber industry has noticed a huge leap in technological and innovative initiatives such as the creation of NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), which are rare assets only sold through the transfer of right of ownership on the blockchain platforms for funds. These NFTs are highly prominent and valuable due to it's one of a kind property it showcases.

Due to the careful study of Non fungible tokens growth in the eco system's market, The team behind Xircus platform decided to develop a phenomenon that is the first of its kind, which is a multi-chain DAO space, that helps users to effectively launch their own NFT marketplace without any complex steps to do so. With this, the platform's team has also supported the ability to modify or personify the functionalities of their marketplaces for various users.

 In order to truly facilitate the transactions involved in the NFT market, Users need to be fully empowered with the knowledge and skills affiliated with the marketplace.

There's also a problem with third party mediums or marketplaces, which charge taxes for their transactions, but with Xircus, this issue is solved as it provides those lost payments back into the user's possessions 

Amazing Technology: On Xircus, wasting further funds is a feature which has been eliminated for individuals in order to develop their marketplace. Also through their amazing technological integration, mediums such as smart contracts have been initiated.

Development Growth: Users on Xircus can develop their personified marketplace at a small rate in order to progressively grow globally. Xircus platform will help and supply users with the ability to develop their open markets.

Amalgamation of Contents: Users while steadily promoting their own market, can host individuals such as content creators or collectors from different ecosystems.

Authentication Of Privacy: The Xircus platform has initiated an API for verification purposes, this medium allows individuals to register with nonce anonymously which is encoded by the wallet.

A Highly Improved Infrastructure: This platform's infrastructure full enabled and integrated with quick and Durable servers which is capable of handling a wide range of requests and is by anti-DDoS secured.

UI Support: Presently on the platform, users aren't burdened with the stress of creating the user interface on their customized market as Xircus grants Libraries to integrate with the databases of the users in NextJS, Vue and so on, With an added support for ecommerce.

fascinating Technology Potentials: Xircus is planning to develop more features to enable different user's suggestions such as the wallet and Xircus TV app.

On the platform, there are 2 types of tokens, which are available for utilization and function to sustain the ecosystem , these tokens are XIRCUS and XMT. 
XMT is a token which will fucntion in the marketplace for various activities affiliated with transactions.
XIRCUS is a token which is executed for feature suggesting, voting, subscription and various other services, with an enabled Decentralized finance component that will provide token holders the opportunity to receive more XMT by holding their tokens

In 2021:

Smart contract initiation

Integrating Wallets

Decentralized finance components

Integrating StableCoin

Prototype Release

Decentralized market

Defi Token initiation

XMT Token creation for the NFT market

Cross chain based integration

deployer for marketplace

Static Deployer

Deployer for ERC721

Deployer for ERC1155

Subdomain Supplies through

Platform core achieved

TestNet release

launchpad development

Public Soft launch

mainnet launch

influencer components

In order to truly empower users with the ability to create their own personified and modifiable NFT market, Xircus has really innovated a spot where users or influencers of all areas of the entertainment industry can create their marketplace for NFTs without any relevant form of knowledge and Application.

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