How to collect your digital music royalties in the US?

2 min readMar 12, 2020


In the United States, collecting royalties from your music is even more complex than in other countries. According to a study by Berklee School of Music, between 20% and 50% of music payments do not make it to the rightful owners of the music — that represents billions of dollars that artists aren’t getting.

So there is a lot of money being left on the table! As an artist, it is crucial to understand how royalties work, how they are generated and how to collect them. This is why we’re breaking it down for you in our new e-book:

5 Easy Steps to Collect All of Your Royalties.

And because in 2019, about 80% of all revenues from recorded music in the USA came from digital music consumption, so we’ve kept the e-book and advice focused on that.

Download here.

At Reveel, we strongly believe that the easier it is for artists to make a living, the more vibrant the music scene is, and therefore the better our society holds itself! That’s why we’re focused on building tools that help artists get credited for their work, so they can build a more robust career.

We hope you find it helpful! And if you do, please share the word!

Stay Creative,

The Reveel team.

PS: We’re also offering new services to ensure artists are properly credited and referenced. So if you’re serious about what you do, you’ll want to check those out! ;)




Reveel captures verified music metadata instantaneously throughout the creative process. Our platform ensures that artists are credited, discover and paid.