The City of Port Townsend incited HATE against Julie Jaman from the Very First Day she was Banned from the Local YMCA, City Pool. #TrespassGate

Reverend Crystal Cox
6 min readApr 7, 2023


The Port Townsend Police Never Let Up on Violating Julie Jaman’s Rights.

On October 6th 2022 Port Townsend Police Trespassed Julie Jaman, Amy Sousa and Katie Daviscourt of Rebel News from the Port Townsend, Olympic Peninsula YMCA.

All 3 of You are Trespassed says Port Townsend Police Officer Jason Greenspane, no laws needed, no equal rights, no due process.

Katie Daviscourt of Rebel News, Julie Jaman long time respected Elder in Port Townsend, and Amy Sousa Woman’s Rights Activists also a respected local community member for over a decade, all were Trespassed from City Property, the Port Townsend YMCA for Dropping off a Petition.

The Port Townsend Police have prejudiced and discriminated against Julie Jaman and Amy Sousa from the first 24 hours of Julie Jaman being BANNED for Life from the PT YMCA. As per public records emails show.

Click Below for Rebel News Video of Port Townsend Police Trespassing Katie, Amy and Julie.


YMCA Manager Rowen Deluna wants to know when the Trespass is up.

“She insulted this MAN”

Says Local PT Resident Outside YMCA Pool

This Video linked below by Rebel News, Katie Daviscourt, is an important archive for a lot of reasons, one of them is it was the tip off that the YMCA, in fact, admitted their bathrooms were not in compliance with State Law and that the very next day they magical were, yet Julie was never admitted back to the YMCA Pool. As they had already lied, and created so much hate they could not allow her back. This Discrimination and Prejudice was not based in Law as the City of Port Townsend keeps saying.

Click Below to Watch the Rebel News Video I am Referring to of the Woman who talks about the YMCA restrooms being brought up to meet State Law the very next day.

Timestamp .05 to .20

“Well that’s what the Locker room is “now”

“There was an oversight apparently”

Timestamp 7:55, and “the Very VERY Next Day there Was”

Timestamp 7:22–8:17 for the whole conversation.

Port Townsend Resident, outside YMCA Pool talking about Pool Policy and the bathroom that is now magical conforming to state law the VERY next Day.

The Woman says about Julie, “She insulted this MAN”. Why does she get to call this person a MAN, and not get Banned from the YMCA? Discrimination, Prejudice Galore.

“There should have been a place for HIM to change
and the Very next day there was”

For some reason this woman is allowed to misgender, but I digress.

Click Below for Video I am referring to above

City Manager John Mauro Continued to Lie about the YMCA bathroom following state law and used that lie to justify our beat down and violent speech suppression in the streets of Port Townsend while the Police watched, at the City Manager’s direction, by claiming all you have to do is look at the Q and A from the City. As if that Justifies the Violation of Rights we experienced, our ongoing PTSD and Trauma, and our ongoing hate and attacks in the community we live in.

Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro justifies our beat down by a mob he incited and protected to assault us and shut down our speech by simply referring to a City Q and A.

Click Below for a Clip of Mauro saying at a city council meeting the Q and A explains the level of decision making, when confronted at directing the police to watch our Hate Crime Felony Assaults and First Amendment Rights shut down by force.

City Manager John Mauro picked a side the 1st day, with NO Investigation, no interviews of witnesses, no code or laws. This action by the City was the beginning of inciting a mob to attack those of us who tried to speak at a city council meeting on this important local issue.

The City Manager labeled us anti-trans long before the mob attacked us. Instead of being a Leader and representing us all, getting to the root of our actual voice and intention, he worked up an entire community to Hate Us, Bully Us, Intimidate Us, Attack Us.

Mauro flat out lied about us, inciting a public witch burning, then gave a directive for the police to NOT help us. Police Chief Olson gave protected police escort to the leader of the mob and his group through a back door into a city council meeting we were denied access to. Instead of Neutrality, De Escalation, Investigation, Equality, Human Rights, Dignity, Safety for ALL, Mauro on behalf of the City of Port Townsend picked a side then started a campaign of name calling, lies and abuse.

The Email Below from Port Townsend Police Chief Tom Olson to City Manager John Mauro shows that the members of the Hate Group that attacked us and their leader, were given a police protected backdoor entry to a city council meeting we were denied access too.

Check out the Clip Below on what Chief Olson said to Amy Sousa, the organizer of our Women’s Speaking Event August 15th 2022 downtown Port Townsend.

Let’s Take Look at a small part of the Q and A published by the City of Port Townsend that John Mauro, City Manager claims justifies our assaults.

The YMCA did Discriminate against Julie Jaman per LAW. Plain to See.

Per the City of Port Townsend’s Operating Agreement the YMCA was responsible for the bathrooms to be up to state Laws and Codes and the YMCA was Solely responsible for their own Policy. The City Manager John Mauro got in the middle of it, chose a side and proceeded to whip up community hate toward Julie and Amy to the point of 400 people mobbing, attacking and shutting down the speech of us 11 speakers who went to give our comments, our thoughts at a City Council Meeting. Of Which We were Denied access too

The City of Port Townsend Q and A goes on to say:

However, is there more to it? Were they supposed to have separate available facilities that they did not. Well I believe so, you research it all and decide for yourself.

Check out the Officer Cam Footage from #TrespassGate

October 6th 2022 Port Townsend Police Trespass Julie Jaman, Amy Sousa and Katie Daviscourt of Rebel News from the Port Townsend, Olympic Peninsula YMCA.

Officer Cam Video 1\

October 6th 2022 Port Townsend Police YMCA Trespass Complaint

Officer Cam Video 2

October 6th 2022 Port Townsend Police YMCA Trespass Complaint. Part Three. They Were Trying to Get Clips for their “Agenda” Says Port Townsend Police.

Officer Cam Video 3

October 6th 2022 Port Townsend Police YMCA
Trespass Complaint Incident Reports

Rowen DeLuna Reporting Party, Click Below for Report

Julie Jaman, Amy Sousa, and Katie Daviscourt of Rebel News (Suspects). Reporting Party Rowen Deluna of Port Townsend YMCA

More on the Operating Agreement between the YMCA and the City of Port Townsend, the Rule of 3 Policy Violations at the YMCA, and Human Rights in Port Townsend Check out my article linked below.

Posted here by
Reverend Crystal Cox
Bringing Back Goddess Church
Port Townsend

