Doodles as a Service

David Neal
3 min readApr 10, 2017


Most of my illustrations have been for my talks, blog posts, and just for fun. Here’s a tribute to CodeStock I created for their 10th anniversary conference.

Recently, I’ve had a few opportunities to create artwork for others. It is such an honor and a joy to do these projects!

Nashville SharePoint Saturday

Daniel Glenn reached out to me asked if I’d be interested in designing a logo for the 2017 Nashville SharePoint Saturday event. Absolutely! Here is the final design we landed on:

Here is the logo printed on a shirt and a sticker, which were given to attendees of the event.

Here is the logo on one of the event posters.

I love how it turned out, especially on the shirt. It’s so exciting to see the final results!

Illustration Tools

I used an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil to create all the artwork. Most of the work was done in my favorite sketching app, Sketches Pro. I created the final guitar illustration using Concepts, then imported it back into Sketches Pro to put it all together.

Evolution of Design Ideas

Here are some of the design ideas that were generated along the way.

Want to see more of my stuff?

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram!

Do you need a doodle?

I would love more opportunities to do this kind of thing. Do you have a need for hand-drawn illustration? Maybe for your talk, blog post, event, or a fun avatar? I certainly don’t make a living from drawing, so I’m very reasonable and negotiable :)



David Neal

Family man, developer, speaker, musician, illustrator, and Microsoft MVP. Runs on a high-octane mixture of caffeine and JavaScript. Made entirely of bacon.