The Best Fake AirPods on Amazon Right Now

AirPod knockoffs you can buy right now on Amazon.

Amazon Reviewer
7 min readJul 13, 2020
Best Fake Airpods

Apple’s AirPods were the first of their kind when they were released in late 2016. They revolutionized the headphones industry and shifted all focus to making headphones wireless. Today, over 76% of the headphones market is captured by wireless headphones. (source)

Outside of the cult fashion trend, the benefits of owning a pair of these wireless earbuds are tremendous. They provide an incredibly convenient solution to listening to music, talking on the phone, or listening to podcasts, radio, movies, tv shows, etc. You are completely free to move independently from your phone and are not anchored down by annoying chords.

The problem with Airpods is they are expensive. For this reason, many companies have come up with AirPods knockoffs. These fake AirPods are meant to look like the real thing at a much lower price point.

How much do Apple AirPods cost?

The best deal you can get for new AirPods right now is on Amazon for $134. This is $25 cheaper than their listed price of $159 on Because of Amazon’s large customer base, they are able to provide certain Apple products at a cheaper price.

You can also get renewed AirPods on Amazon for $118. These are slightly used AirPods that work like new.

How much do fake AirPods cost?

If you are looking to spend less money, fake AirPods are available at a lower price than Apple AirPods. Typically, AirPod knock-offs are priced around $30. That means you save about $100 buying knockoffs rather than real AirPods. While they are cheaper, fake AirPods tend to be unreliable and poor in quality.

Are fake AirPods worth it?

There is always a risk when you’re buying knockoffs. Fake products are meant to imitate the real thing at a cheaper price, which means they are lacking in one way or another. In other words, there is always a reason they’re cheaper.

When it comes to fake AirPods, the biggest issues tend to be with:

  • Design
  • Wireless connectivity
  • Sound quality
  • Battery life

What you need to ask yourself is whether or not you’re willing to take some of these shortcomings for a lower price. Some people value different things more than others. For example, if you simply want a product that looks and feels like the real thing, fake AirPods might be for you.

Best fake AirPods on Amazon

Don’t be fooled by high-rated reviews fake AirPods have on Amazon. Many of the sellers will incentivize buyers to leave positive reviews. For example, this buyer mentioned receiving gift cards in exchange for reviews.

That said, AirPod knock-offs can definitely look the part. And, at the very least, they are functional — just not reliable. Here are the best AirPods you can find right now on Amazon:

Bluetooth 5.0 Headphones — $29.99

Bluetooth 5.0 Headphones
Bluetooth 5.0 Headphones, $29.99

Overall grade: C-

Design: B

The case definitely looks like the real thing. The earbuds themselves are a bit off, though. They have small buttons on the outsides, which do not exist on real AirPods. Real AirPods are touch-enabled, whereas with these you have to push a button to control. They also don’t have volume controls and volume has to be controlled by the device they are connected to.

The shape is also slightly off and has a flatness on the outsides. This is unlike the real AirPods, which have a complete roundness on the outside. Overall, close but not spot-on. From afar, these will appear like the real thing but up-close they won’t.

Wireless connectivity: B+

These earbuds are powered by Bluetooth 5.0, which is the most updated version of Bluetooth technology. The connectivity is faster (almost instant) and the range is farther than older Bluetooth technologies.

Very few of the reviews had issues with connectivity. This was the one feature that people seemed to enjoy most about the product. Customers noted how it was reliable and quick. Like the real AirPods, as soon as they are taken out of the case and put in your ears, they automatically connect to your device.

Sound quality: C

The audio output is average at best with these earbuds. With real AirPods, you can enjoy a deep sound with bass and good volume control. These fake AirPods, on the other hand, are lacking in these features. The main issues with the sound quality of these fake AirPods included:

  • No bass
  • Hollow sound
  • Low volume

Battery life: D-

This was the main issue with the product. Many of the 1-star reviewers provided an initial positive review and retracted their original sentiments once finding the product stopped working after a few weeks. Most people found issues occurring within two weeks and it typically had to do with the battery life. Take this review for example:

“My initial review was written below shortly after I received my earbuds on June 22nd. It is now July 10th and neither of my earbuds will turn on… After using the earbuds successfully for 2 weeks, they started losing their charge VERY quickly (after 20 min or so) despite being in the charger overnight. Now neither of the headphones will turn on…”

One-star review — Jacqueline

iLuv Wireless Earbuds — $27.99

iLuv Wireless Earbuds
iLuv TB100 White True Wireless Earbuds, $27.99

Overall grade: B

The iLuv’s don’t look the part as much, however, they certainly play the part. The sound quality, connectivity, and battery life are what give these earbuds their higher grade. The one issue that stood out (other than appearance) was the mic sound. These fake AirPods are great for listening but not so much speaking.

Design: B

Anyone will tell these are knock-offs when they see the iLuv branding on the earbuds. That said, the design is fine when you take away the branding. They have the same sleek white finish as AirPods. The case also has this finish but the shape is a little more rectangular, which is how the new AirPods Pro case looks.

The main difference other than the branding is there is no portion that extends outside of the ear like there is for the real AirPods. Some might find this to be more attractive, however. They don't have sticks that jut out from your ear, which many initially found as an unattractive quality of Apple’s AirPod design.

Also, many of the reviews find them very comfortable. Based on the responses, they stay in your ear and don’t fall out when you’re running or exercising. They provide 3 different ear tip sizes with the product so you can get the right fit depending on your needs.

Wireless connectivity: B+

iLuv earbuds are also powered by Bluetooth 5.0 — the most updated version of Bluetooth technology. The earbuds are also touch-controlled just like the real AirPods. You can pause and play songs as well as answer and hang up calls using the touch-activated feature.

Sound quality: B

The sound quality for listening to music, movies, TV, etc. is reviewed as very good. Many reviewers reported no problems here and even found the bass to be better than AirPods because of the ear tip attachment, which AirPods don’t have.

The main issue with the sound quality was with the voice output through the microphone. Many reviewers noted that people they spoke with on the phone had issues with hearing them. Here are some of the ways people described their microphone:

  • “people say they can’t hear me too well”
  • “the mic has a tiny delay when you are on a call”
  • “I sound very echo-y when using them to make/receive calls”
  • “the microphone it’s not the best, not clear and sound muffled a bit…”

The iLuvs are regarded as best for listening but not speaking. If you are looking for earbuds to make work calls with, these may not be the best. That said, if you are looking for earbuds to listen with, these could be good for you.

Battery life: B+

Unlike most knock-offs, these seem to hold up in the long run. A single full charge gives up to 6 hours of battery life. Most of the 1-star reviews on other fake AirPods complained about the product’s short battery lifespan. The iLuvs didn’t seem to have much of an issue with this.

The verdict:

If you are looking for something that looks like the real thing, the Bluetooth 5.0 headphones are best for you. If you are looking for a more functional pair, the iLuvs are the best option. While they don’t look like the real AirPods, they still are stylish in their own way.

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