VigRx Plus Review and Ingredients

VigRX Plus is the World’s Best Male Enhancement Pill Today

Reviews 101
12 min readSep 20, 2019
VigRx Plus Review and Ingredients

This is a review of VigRX Plus, the World’s Best Male Enhancement Pill. VigRX Plus is the World’s Best Male Enhancement Pill that Does Not Require a Prescription.

In this review of VigRx Plus Pills, I shall be discussing the following;

1. What is VigRx Plus, an Overview
2. How does VigRx Plus Pills Work?
3. VigRx Plus Ingredients
4. VigRx Plus Doctor’s Recommendation
5. VigRx Plus Side Effects - Is VigRx Plus Safe?
6. VigRx Plus Reviews / Testimonials
7. VigRx Plus FAQ’s
8. VigRx Plus Guarantee
9. VigRx Plus Clinical Study Result
10. Where to Buy VigRx Plus

VigRx Plus Pills

1. What is VigRx Plus? An Overview

We have updated our original VigRX to produce VigRX Plus. VigRX is an all-natural herbal formula for virility and erection enhancement. It supports erectile girth, length and strength, as well as general sexual function and vigor. Users have discovered that there is no other penis enhancement product that offers the same results as VigRX.

We added Bioperine and Damiana to improve our formula. These ingredients are exclusively in VigRX Plus, but not in our original VigRX formulation. Although VigRX is the best male enhancement product in the marketplace, we constantly work to improve the effects it offers. By including these ingredients, we can produce the best penis enhancement product possible.

For thousands of years, men have successfully used damiana to increase their libido. Adding it to our top VigRX formulation has helped users see a dramatic improvement in their results. Also, Bioperine helps to make the other ingredients even more effective.

What’s All the Fuss About Bioperine?

Imagine finding a type of gasoline with an additive to make it perform even better. Because that type of gas works so well, you found that your gas mileage was far better. Better yet, this additive doesn’t cost you a cent. That would be a big improvement, right?

Well, Bioperine performs the same way. With the addition of Bioperine, all the other ingredients work more efficiently. And that’s what all the fuss is about.

This is the only penis enhancement offering on the market currently with Bioperine. So if you want great results, try VigRX Plus.

Benefits of VigRx Plus

  • Harder erections on-demand
  • Increased Stamina
  • Revs up your Libido
  • It’s Clinically Proven and Doctor-Approved

2. How does VigRx Plus Pills Work?

VigRx Plus is made from herbs from all over the world blended into a formula that expands the erectile tissues of the penis with arousal. You have corpora cavernosa, which are two spongy areas on both sides of the penis. When you are excited, blood naturally fills your erectile tissue, creating an erection.

VigRx Plus manufacturers have scientifically developed VigRX Plus to enlarge these erectile tissues and make them expand. And in turn, your erectile tissues can contain more blood than previously. VigRX Plus has five mg of Bioperine, which has been medically shown to boost absorption rates of any nutrients you consume along with it.

Click here to get VigRx Plus at the official site »

3. The VigRX Plus Ingredients

VigRx Plus developers have scientifically engineered the VigRX Plus formulation to ensure it will deliver the optimal results to all of the users, including you. This product contains scientifically tested and potent aphrodisiacs from South America, Europe, and China which help to:

  • Maintain firm erections
  • Stimulate sexual activity
  • Boost sexual pleasure and desire

It is also worthwhile to note that Bioperine helps to make these ingredients more effective.

Below is the list of ingredients you can find in your VigRX Plus supplements. While it has been known for centuries about the great benefits of these ingredients, it has been backed up with clinical studies to prove the benefits.

VigRx Plus Ingredients

1. Bioperine - Piper Nigrum L

​Bioperine has been clinically proven to boost the absorption rates of herbal supplements.

Clinical studies in the U.S have demonstrated that Bioperine safely raises the absorption rates of any nutrients it is combined with. In simple terms, it helps supplements work better.

Bioperine studies have shown that it enhances the absorption of the coenzyme Q10 by around 30 percent. In fact, some trials have demonstrated a 20-fold rise in bioavailability.

Bioperine has shown how effect it is because it has received several U.S. patents as a bioavailability booster, including #5,536,506, #5,972,382 and #5,744,161.

2. Asian Red Ginseng - Panax Ginseng

When it comes to male enhancement, Asian Red Ginseng will always be part of the ingredient list. According to a 2008 study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Panax Ginseng is among the widely-used herbal remedies that could help in case you have erection issues.

This is because of ginseng’s key ingredient, ginsenoside. This ingredient could help alter blood flow to your penis and your brain, thereby helping you keep it up inside the bedroom.

Aside from sexual benefits, ginseng could also help improve cognitive function, supplies your body with antioxidants, and increase energy levels, among others.

VigRx Plus Benefits

3. Catuaba Bark Extract - Erythroxylum Catuaba

Catuaba bark is a very well known Brazilian aphrodisiac plant. That is because consuming Catuaba bark regularly could lead to dreams that are often erotic, which can increase libido.

When you take it, Catuaba bark extract dilates your blood vessels and relaxes the corpus cavernosum. This could keep your manhood relaxed, which is an important step in achieving successful erections. Aside from this, Catuaba bark extract is famous for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant and anti-stress properties.

4. Damiana - Turnera Aphrodisiaca

For many years, damiana developed a reputation for being an aphrodisiac. Since then, it is often an ingredient in many male enhancement supplements because of its ability to offer sexual benefits.

Damiana contains active compounds like arbutine, caffeine, and flavonoids, which all have therapeutic properties. To be specific, the flavonoids present in damiana have a similar mechanism to yohimbine.

5. Epimedium Leaf Extract - Epimedium Sagittatum

Also called “Horny Goat Weed,” people have used epimedium as a libido enhancer for thousands of years. It’s all because of the presence of icariin. It is a flavonol glycoside that exhibits an inhibitory mechanism against PDE-5, thereby helping you achieve erections, without the side effects.

Aside from this, Epimedium increases blood flow to your penis, thereby increasing your nitric oxide levels and relaxing the smooth muscles.

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6. Ginkgo Leaf - Ginkgo Biloba

A native of China, Ginkgo Biloba is another ingredient you will always find in male enhancement supplements.

To begin, this plant contains powerful antioxidants, particularly flavonoids and terpenoids. Traditional Chinese medicine also uses ginkgo to improve blood flow to various parts of your body, including the penile area.

Aside from this, ginkgo could also help boost your mental performance, reduce your anxiety, and support better eye health.

When it comes to sexual performance, ginkgo is also helpful. Because of better blood flow in the penis, ginkgo could also offer benefits inside the bedroom.

7. Hawthorn Berry - Fructus Crataegi

Did you know that hawthorn berry is a phytochemical? In fact, it is super rich in flavonoids that help dilate and relax the arteries. Also, it contains powerful antioxidants that could facilitate an increased in blood flow and oxygen, and not just to your heart, but also to other areas in your body. This means once you take this, the resistance to blood flow especially on your lower extremities is reduced.

More than keeping your heart healthy, hawthorn berry is a great ingredient that could help boost your overall health.

VigRx Plus Ingredients

8. Muira Pauma Bark Extract - Ptychopetalum Olacoides

Muira Puama is another ingredient you will find in our male enhancement supplement.

Visit the official VigRx Plus website here »

It turns out that this plant is a natural aphrodisiac, according to a study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. In fact, another study showed that 60 percent of 262 men observed an increase in their libido after supplementation with Muira Puama.

Aside from sexual benefits, this plant may also help minimize the production of cortisol and could be effective in boosting your energy levels.

9. Saw Palmetto Berry - Fructus Serenoa

Saw palmetto is a small palm tree that grows in Florida. Traditionally, Native Americans have used this plant to address issues related to the urinary and reproductive systems. Fast forward to today, and saw palmetto falls in a more positive light.

Believe it or not, saw palmetto can help address various conditions including sexual problems. So, if you need a boost inside the bedroom or to jumpstart your sex drive, this plant could help.

The biggest use of saw palmetto these days is to help with prostate concerns. Saw palmetto can help stop testosterone from breaking down and turning into its by-product, dihydrotestosterone.

It is capable of relaxing smooth muscle tissues, which leads to better blood flow. It also inhibits estrogen and androgen receptor activity, thereby ensuring a better balance among your hormones.

VigRx Plus is Doctor Recommended

4. VigRX Plus is recommended by Doctors

Did you know that doctors these days are starting to embrace natural remedies? In fact, they also study herbal formulas in clinical trials and recommend specific natural methods for healing.

Here comes the surprising part: doctors are now endorsing the use of herbs to enhance sexual function. At present, the medical community actively prescribes natural and herbal approaches. Often, they combine them with the latest scientific advances to help promote one’s optimum health.

Visit the official VigRx Plus website here »

5. What are VigRx Side Effects? Is VigRx Safe?

We recommend that you consult with your doctor about interactions between VigRx Plus and any health conditions you have or medications you may be taking. That’s common sense - no company can say a supplement is completely safe without knowing your medical history. Side effects may occur due to interactions with other pills that you may be taking.

As a non-prescription formula, VigRX Plus pills are usually safe to take on a daily basis. As with any dietary product, be sure to go over the dosage that’s recommended and discuss it with your physician before you start taking it.

6. VigRX Plus Reviews - Testimonies

Below testimonials were voluntarily provided by users. Customer reviews are important when looking for a male enhancement supplement that works. The good news is VigRX Plus has met these criteria because there are a lot of satisfied men who experienced positive effects after using VigRX Plus. Individual results may vary.

Here are the testimonials below are from just a few extremely satisfied customers.

“I’ve gained almost ¾ inch in length. ​Well after the 1st week I felt I was “fuller” and the girth was a little bigger. Now it has been almost a month and I’ve gained almost ¾ inch in length and the girth of my penis is much fuller. I feel more energetic with sexual activity and even a little more confident in bed”. - James M.

“It’s more sensitive and hard as a rock. ​My penis circulation is better, it’s more sensitive and hard as a rock and it doesn’t take much for it to get that way! And I have also gained an inch. I can send a pic over the computer but I am too embarrassed to get it developed at Walmart”. - Matthew H.

“After about 3 months I noticed a 1.5 inch gain in length. I am using VigRX Plus. I have been using it for about 4 months now. In the first month I noticed better control, increased sex drive, and stiffness. After about 3 months I noticed a 1.5 inch gain in length. Overall I am very happy with VigRX Plus. The statements made are accurate.” - Greg G.

“Now I am 9.5 inches hard. I started using VigRX Plus 2 months ago and what the reviews online said were true… it worked for me! I have gained 1.5 inches in length. I was 5 inches soft and now I am 6 inches soft. I was inches hard and now I am 9.5 inches hard! And I gained 3 ¾ at the base.” - Mark D.

VigRx Plus Male Enhancement Pills

7. VigRX Plus Some Frequently Asked Questions

* What is the Recommended Dose for VigRx Plus?

You can consume one pill, two times each day. That’s all. VigRX Plus is all-natural and contains herbs.

* Who Should Try VigRX Plus?

Anyone who wants to lengthen and strengthen their enjoyment via an herbal product with great results should try VigRX Plus. A doctor-approved formula, it is all-natural and it is truly effective.

* How Soon Will I See Any Results?

When you are aroused, here is what you can expect for results:

First Month:

The first thing you’ll notice is erections that last longer. Also, you will begin to see an enlargement in the width of the penis with an erection.

Second Month:

Things will begin to get really exciting. You will start seeing some dramatic changes in your penile tissues. In fact, just look in the mirror to be amazed. You’ll also experience even more sexual stamina.

Third Month and Afterward:

Your penis will feel and look more firm, rock-solid and stronger than you believed possible when you get an erection. However, there will be some men who will not get the same results as this timetable. Because it may take a bit longer for some, it is key to finish the entire box while consuming the correct dosage before weighing your results.

* What are the Ingredients in VigRX Plus?

VigRX Plus contains a proprietary combination of safe herbs that are famous for their helpful properties. And then we blend them to create an effective and powerful formula. We have gathered these special herbs from all over the world.

VigRx Plus Pills Natural Male Enhancement

* Why Isn’t VigRX Plus in a Liquid Instead of a Pill Form?

A pill that is pre-measured ensures you take the correct dosage. But, with a liquid, which needs a teaspoon, dropper or cup, you could consume the wrong dosage.

* According to What I’ve Read, the Average Penis is Six Inches Long. Is the Size Different in Men of Another Country or Race?

The Kinsey Report is one of the most exhaustive studies of penile size so far. It explains that the average white man’s penis is a length of 6.2 inches and 3.7 inches wide.

The average African man’s penis has a length of 6.3 inches and 3.8 inches wide. And that is only a 0.1-inch difference, which is not significant statistically. In general, there is hardly any variation in penis size globally. So, no matter where you come from, VigRX Plus can boost your size when your penis is erect.

* How Does Your Formula Compare with Viagra?

Because VigRX Plus is an herbal formula, it’s all-natural. No one has reported any side effects. Best of all, the rest of your body receives the nourishment these special herbs can offer, too.

8. VigRx Plus 100% Money Back Guarantee

You will have 67 days to try VigRX Plus Risk-Free. It must work for you or we’ll be issued with a prompt and hassle-free refund. Manufacturer’s guarantee that with continued use, you’ll notice amazing results and a healthier, happier you or your money back.

9. VigRX Plus Clinical Study Results

VigRx Plus Results

This was the first clinical study with humans for VigRX Plus with extremely positive results:

62.82% increase in the ability to maintain an erection.
58.97% rise in being able to penetrate their partner.
22.49% hike in the quality and frequency of orgasms.
71.43% more intercourse and sexual satisfaction.
47% boost in sex drive and desire.
61% higher sexual satisfaction overall.

10. Where to Buy VigRx Plus

We highly recommend that you buy VigRx Plus pills directly from the manufacturer’s website to ensure that you purchase the genuine product. Do not expose yourself to a potentially hazardous purchase by buying VigRx Plus form other sites.

Buy VigRx Plus Pills from the official site »

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