Vitiligo Treatment: Curing Vitiligo Naturally, Quickly and Permanently

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4 min readMay 26, 2022


Vitiligo is a skin condition that causes the skin to lose its pigment. Vitiligo can happen at any age and to anyone, but it’s most common in young adults. You may have the following symptoms: white patches on the skin, depigmented macules (flat white lesions), and vitilgialike lesions(smaller patches of depigmentation).

You’re probably wondering if there’s a cure for vitiligo. The answer is yes! There’s hope for those who are dealing with this condition. Here are 10 ways you can use natural treatments to cure vitiligo quickly and permanently.

After Vitiligo Treatment

What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a condition that causes your skin to lose its pigment. Vitiligo can happen at any age and to anyone, but it’s most common in young adults. The condition is caused by the loss of melanin in certain areas of the skin. This can be triggered by the following:

-An autoimmune response

-A stressful event




The depigmentation may show up as white patches on your skin or as depigmented macules (flat white lesions). There may also be some vitilgialike lesions (smaller patches of depigmentation), which are more difficult to spot. You may experience other symptoms like itchiness, pain, and discomfort when your body reacts to the injury on your skin.

Causes of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease that destroys the pigment-producing cells of your skin called melanocytes. Vitiligo can happen at any age and to anyone, but it’s most common in young adults. You may have the following symptoms: white patches on the skin, depigmented macules (flat white lesions), and vitilgialike lesions(smaller patches of depigmentation).

The causes of vitiligo are unknown. However, there are some factors that can increase your risk for developing vitiligo:

-Family History: If a person with vitiligo has a family member who also has the disease, their chances of getting it increase significantly.

-Heredity or Race: Some races are more likely to get vitiligo than others. African Americans have the highest risk for developing this condition.

-Certain Medications: Vitiligo can be caused by medication like beta blockers or lithium given to people with other disorders such as heart disease or bipolar disorder.

Symptom of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin condition that causes the skin to lose its pigment. Vitiligo can happen at any age and to anyone, but it’s most common in young adults. You may have the following symptoms: white patches on the skin, depigmented macules (flat white lesions), and vitilgialike lesions(smaller patches of depigmentation).

Natural Ways to Cure Vitiligo

Although vitiligo is a difficult problem, there are many natural ways to cure it. The first step is to avoid the sun or wear sunscreen if you’re out in it. This will help your skin stay its natural color. You may also want to use makeup to cover up any white patches on your skin.

There are plenty of other things that can be done too! Vitiligo sufferers have found relief through the following: — taking oral supplements, such as zinc and vitamin B12 — using topical remedies, such as licorice root extract and aloe vera — using light therapy — getting a wart removed — using other medications, such as corticosteroids

The good news is that most people find relief with these treatments. But the bad news is that they don’t work 100 percent of the time and some people need to try different treatments before they find one that works for them.

10 Ways to Cure Vitiligo Naturally, Quickly and Permanently

There are many ways to cure vitiligo naturally, quickly, and permanently. You may want to try some of these treatments.

1) Use a high dosage of Vitamin B12–1–2,000 mgs per day

2) Eat darker colored fruits and vegetables in order to increase your intake of natural carotenoids

3) Use organic apple cider vinegar (1–2 tablespoons in 8 ounces water) for topical application. Apply it 3 times a day

4) Take advantage of the healing power of lemon juice by drinking it in water or making a juice at home with carrots, cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric, garlic and lemon juice

5) Eat papaya everyday; this fruit is rich in skin-healthy beta-carotene that can help improve skin tone

6) Try using aloe vera gel; this plant is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation on the skin

7) Drink 2 glasses of water with honey every day; honey has been shown to have many beneficial properties including antioxidant activity

8 )Try eating blueberries as they are full of antioxidants that can heal damaged cells and improve your immune system

9) Try to get an hour of sun exposure from 10 am until 2 pm daily without sunscreen. This will help you produce vitamin D which aids in the production and maintenance of healthy skin cells which are essential for preventing vitiligo.


Vitiligo is a condition that causes the skin to lose its natural pigment. This condition can be hereditary or caused by stress. It can also be genetic. Sometimes it can be caused by a condition called albinism or a reaction to some medicines.

There are many ways to cure vitiligo naturally. There are also many vitiligo treatments available in the market. If you are looking for a way to cure vitiligo permanently, here are 10 ways on how to do it naturally in as little as 3 months.



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