Different Roles, Same Goal

5 min readJul 19, 2016


Have you heard of us? We’re ReviewTrackers. We help thousands of businesses manage their online reviews and unlock customer intelligence, every day.

That’s what we do.

But what makes ReviewTrackers, ReviewTrackers, is the people who work here.

Everyone who works here has a different role in their specific team. There’s engineering, marketing, sales operations and customer success — all of the teams come together in a way that contributes to the success of the company.

Meet the Teams Within ReviewTrackers

Customer Success

When describing the “who we are” and “what we do,” our director of customer happiness (the team that provides our award-winning customer support) sums it up:

“We’re empowering our customers to build a better experience for their customers… and in turn for the public.”

“That’s going to add a ton of smiles and grow — so the more businesses that care about their customer’s experience, the better society will be,” she said.

Crystal makes a not-so-exaggerated point here: we are helping the greater good … but really, we are. I have a number of qualitative examples to prove my point.

Let’s say you’re satisfied with the service you had. Then, you go about your day knowing you had a good experience.

If you’re dissatisfied with an experience, however, then you’re frustrated, and who else do you take that on and what kind of domino effect does that have? Crystal said.

In addition to making people’s lives better, Crystal’s team acts as a consultant on a service level while answering customer support emails. She said the customer support team tries to think ahead for customers, so they can provide their customers with the tools to make them successful.


Subha Sriram, director of product, said, “The way I see my role is more of an integrator, the information radiator: making sure information is flowing from one team to the other.”

“ReviewTrackers is ReviewTrackers because of the product we have — that’s who we are. What I do is make sure everybody views the product in the same way. I also ask how our customers perceive value to the product, and how can engineering develop it in a way that our customers are actually satisfied? Making sure everybody understands what [our product] is is really my role.”

The engineering team works towards this goal by talking to customers and communicating across teams.

“We do user research, we talk to customers, find out how do they do their jobs, and what would they like to do better and try to make it easier — and by far, saving time for them — anybody you ask — they want to save time,” Subha said.

And, like customer success, Subha’s team thinks ahead for customers, so they can offer companies the tools for success.

“They are buying a service,” Subha said about our customers. “An example is you go to the store and you’re buying a mattress, what are you buying? You are buying a good night’s sleep.”

Subha said it’s the same way with ReviewTrackers — companies are buying reputation management: a whole package that is going to tell you insights, that is going to tell you about your business, something you don’t know — something that you don’t have to invest lots of time. You are going know insights that you can react on.


Hina Merchant, marketing response team lead, said she enjoys talking to different people every day and educating them about our product.

“When you have those moments with someone, when it actually clicks and they say, ‘I can’t believe this product exists, and it’s going to save me so much time,’” Hina said about what she loves most about her job.

“To hear them on the phone and see how excited they are about the product — that instills more confidence in me, and that instills more confidence in my ability to sell ReviewTrackers in general: to know we’re building this product that’s going to help someone. That’s what excites me, to have those conversations.”


Bethany Poore, office manager at ReviewTrackers, said she wants to keep the ReviewTrackers employees happy.

“I’m like an overseer of the office. I keep it clean. I keep snacks stocked, I try to keep the people happy, and I plan lunch n’ learns and other team events,” she said.

Bethany’s job is to make sure everyone is happy at the office.

“I think it makes people more productive when they’re working at a nice place where they don’t have to worry about things being done — it’s nice to go in the kitchen and not worry about stuff: you know that it’s clean and someone is taking care of it,” she said. “There’s so many events and stuff here too that it’s better than most of the places that you could work. And there’s more snacks.”

Bethany said she wants people to feel better when they walk past her desk. I know I feel better when I take a stroll past Bethany’s desk at the front of our office.

Bethany is part of the operations team, which handles tasks to make every team’s life better.

“We, [the operations team], try to make everything run smoothly — we created an information website for employees, we set up the couch areas. We’re always trying to improve the office and make it a nicer place for people to work at, and we try to come up with creative ideas to make it beautiful in here.”


When I asked Emily Pamukov, our VP of Marketing, what she loves most about her job, she said, “the people.”

“I can’t count the amount of times in any given week I think how lucky I am to work with the people I work with,” she said.

“We have such a talented team, and we have ten people in four different locations.

“We have such a talented team, and we have ten people in four different locations. A lot of what I do is bring to gather the team to make sure we’ll all moving in the same direction. We’re results oriented.”

I make that we’re focused on the right strategies and tactics while creating the right messaging to help drive the rapid growth of the business,” she said.

As part of the marketing team, I agree with Emily. I’m lucky to work with my team and everyone else here. We are all supportive, and we do the best we can do.

After talking with various team members here about their jobs and what they do, I noticed a pattern: all of the teams here are trying to help others. Every team cares about people in some way, with the shared goal of making everyone’s lives a little better.

This a great place to work.

Want to join us? We’re hiring.

Originally published at www.reviewtrackers.com on July 19, 2016.




Software designed to measure customer experience and provide actionable insights. Join us: http://reviewtrackers.com/jobs