Composing the Cheese Plate by Brian Keyser and Leigh Friend

3 min readFeb 14, 2018

There is a French proverb that contends, “un fromage par jour de l’année” — there is a different cheese for every day of the year. For anyone who has lived in France they would probably argue that there are quite a few more types of cheese to choose from than that. The French have another proverb that asserts that “a meal without cheese is like a day without sunshine,” this from the very same people that would not eat dessert without serving a cheese course. Now to put this in perspective, the average French person eats an impressive 25.9 kg of cheese per year. Consequently, they know how to serve and what to serve, with different types of cheese.


For those of us who don’t, or who do and want to learn more, Brian Keyser and Leigh Friend have recently written a remarkable book entitled, “Composing the Cheese Plate — Recipes, Pairings and Platings for the Inventive Cheese Course.” This gem of a book will take the reader on a wonderful cheese adventure from getting to know your Cheesemonger, how cheese is made, suggestions on what to serve, in what order, and for what occasion. As well as providing delicious recipes of perfect accompaniments for different types of cheese. This amazing untraditional cookbook helps the reader understand the wonderful tradition of serving cheese.

One of the chapters, The Rules of There Are No Rules, simply states that “There are no right or wrong pairings for particular cheeses.” What the authors do is use their years of knowledge and expertise to guide you through the cheese maze to create amazing cheese plates and pairings of your own. Author, Brian Keyser, writes this in the introduction, “Each cheese pairs with several different cheeses. Each pairing involves many choices, based on the season, the time of day, the beverage being consumed, the other cheeses and condiments on the plate, the mood of the fromager, and the desires of the diner.” Luckily for the reader, the authors know what choice to make and effortlessly convey it in easy to follow instructions, through stunning photographs, and tantalizing recipes. Have fun and enjoy your cheese adventure.

