Revolution breaks industry logjam, pioneers NFT standard pricing model

4 min readAug 31, 2022


With the huge innovation brought about by the DeFi financial system and the strong rise of NFT. The digital art investment boom that is sweeping through our internet lives. The collective value of digital art and uniqueness is on the road to price discovery. NFT becomes the best way to store the value of artworks, allowing for transactions across time and space in the digital realm.

NFT’s sky-high prices have repeatedly refreshed people’s perceptions, from the popular “Bored Ape” to the ever-popular “Azuki”, which can cost tens or hundreds of thousands of ETH, but are still highly sought after, and this is only a small part of the circle. According to on-chain data, the average value of NFTs generated on the chain will reach $100 million per week this year as NFTs continue to heat up.

The brutal growth of NFT has created an important need for the market. How to objectively assess the value of NFT has been a major problem for issuers, NFT trading platforms and users. It is now a common practice in the market to open from mint to floor price appreciation and trade between players, finally forming prices of varying heights. Most of these works, which can cost millions or even tens of millions of dollars, are driven by the power of capital, resulting in inflated prices and poor circulation.

The hot hype of NFT reflects the existence of a huge bubble economy in an over-valued environment, but the hot market leaves enough room for new models and new businesses to develop. Revolution was created against the backdrop of a booming industry, following market demand with an objective standard pricing system, mainly addressing the industry bottleneck of difficult to realise NFT pricing.

The future market for NFT is a blue ocean, and it is because of the current demand for NFT liquidity trading that NFT trading platforms like OpenSea and X2Y2 have been created. Once the creators have created their NFT works, they either put them up for sale at a random price on platforms such as OpenSea and X2Y2, or put them on their personal pages and wait for someone to buy them. In this case, without promotion and hype, there is little room for NFT to make a name for itself, and the market remains highly creative in terms of output but extremely illiquid in reality.

In order to address the root cause of the problem of poor NFT liquidity and unknown NFTs going unnoticed, Revolution brings a new objective pricing model to the entire NFT industry and is the first of its kind NFT standard pricing trading platform. The Revolution platform involves NFT creators, fans and buyers in pricing each step of the entire process of casting, voting and auctioning, respectively, to form a consensus on the value of NFT. Of particular interest is the use of cooperative and non-cooperative gaming mechanisms to convert ticket prices into NFT values through value discovery games, anchoring ETH for pricing, and achieving standard pricing for NFT on decentralized platforms.

In addition, Revolution completely disrupts the existing NFT auction model by providing maximum liquidity support for NFTs issued on the Revolution platform. Firstly, because NFT is anchored to ETH, it has an objective and real value and will be sold quickly at auction. Secondly, with high arithmetic power NFT can be mined, the greater the arithmetic power corresponds to the higher the mining efficiency, the creator of NFT will also bring revenue with the continuous circulation of NFT, each transaction can get royalties, to maximize the benefits.

In the Revolution platform, ordinary users can participate in value discovery games by voting to get rewards, for the creators of NFT, as long as the NFT is minted, after each round of the game to lock the ticket as the value of the deposit, whether voting or auction, will make the value of the NFT more and more, at this time through the auction can be immediately realized, or can continue to hold to enjoy a steady stream of mining revenue.

Revolution aims to build a bridge between global artists and BlockLink, connecting creators and users and creating more convenient conditions for NFT liquidity. Whether you are an NFT creator or an enthusiast you can participate in the collaborative growth of the NFT ecosystem, unlocking the impact of crypto art and the value of unlimited space in the future.




The first standard pricing NFT platform The first ETH binding dividend NFT platform The most liquid NFT marketplace