Linux -an Operating system which continues to grow till today

Revti Bhaskar
2 min readSep 22, 2018


You’re probably familiar with Windows and/or Mac OS. But they aren’t the only operating systems available.

How many of you actually know about an Operating system ‘LINUX’

If you are thinking what it is then….

This blog will definitely be a source of information for those who have little idea or no idea at all. Not to worry..

Lets have a look at what ‘Linux’ is??

  1. It is an operating system kernel. Clone of ‘UNIX’.
  2. Free, ‘open source’ software refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible.
  3. It is user friendly and anything can be changed and distributed on an ‘individual’s name.
  4. It is mainly used in servers, 90% of internet is powered by LINUX servers and also works in 80% of our android smartphones.

Did you know that ‘Linux can still beat Windows in the desktop war??

Interesting right??

Let’s see that how ‘LINUX’ actually evolved?

  1. Linus Torvalds created Linux when he was a student at the University of Helsinki studying computer science.
  2. He thought to have a freely available academic version of Unix started writing its own code. Later this project became the Linux kernel.
  3. He wrote this program specially for his own PC as he wanted to use Unix 386 Intel computer but couldn’t afford it.
  4. Prof. Tanenbaum who was a university Professor. He used the code of UNIX to teach his students about Operating Systems,that time UNIX code was available on universities for study purposes.
  5. He developed a small clone of UNIX ie MINIX.
  6. Linus was inspired with Tanenbaum and MINIX. He made a clone of UNIX ie LINUX
  7. He wrote the programming on MINIX using GNU C compiler. GNU C compiler is still the main choice to compile Linux code but other compilers are also used like Intel C compiler.
  8. He started it just for fun but ended up with such a large project. Firstly he wanted to name it as ‘Freax’ but later it became ‘Linux’.
  9. He published the Linux kernel under his own license and was restricted to use as commercially.
  10. Linux uses most of its tools from GNU software and are under GNU copyright. In 1992, he released the kernel under GNU General Public License.

Check out my next blog to know more about ‘LINUX’

