Learning better with AI

3 min readJul 17, 2023


The current AI wave is rapidly impacting many aspects of how we live, work and learn. At Revyze, we’re especially focused on that last one, as we think AI can provide a foundational shift in the way we educate ourselves. To that end, we have already started leveraging recent developments in AI to advance our mission of democratizing high-quality education for everyone.

From an implementation perspective, our approach has been to mix prompt engineering of LLMs, fine-tuning of pre-trained models and using off-the-shelf, task-specific products to power our app. As we continue to build, we’ll continue along this path of picking-and-mixing AI technologies.

More importantly than how we’re building, however, are the questions of what we’re building and why.

🤝 Building your learning friend…

We are a community-powered learning app focused on GenZ students. Today, our product looks a lot like TikTok, but geared towards educational content, with students learning through short videos and quizzes created by their peers.

Revyze community gathering at Station F — Paris. We are building for the students, with the students

Our tagline is ‘learn better together’, and underpinning this statement are three core beliefs about high quality education:

Education should be personalized.

Education should be active.

Education should be social.

Going one step further, we believe that humans create meaning, and humans create meaning together.

A key question is then how AI technologies can enable this vision.

💻 … Leveraging latest AI technologies

We see three big areas of application for AI here.

The first is to put AI in the service of our trust and safety work. As a learning platform, Revyze must be a place of trust. AI tools can help our team analyze the content processed in Revyze to ensure we are building a reliable, safe, and enjoyable place to learn.

The second is using AI to organize and transform the content that students generate in our app. On content organization, we can use AI to tailor custom learning tracks for each student, adapting velocity and tone according to how they learn. We believe everyone has a different way of learning and AI can help deliver a personalized experience.

On content transformation, we can use AI to multiply content into new formats — such as generating quizzes and flashcards from videos or generating videos from prompts -, to enrich content with captions and images, and to translate content between languages. We can then have the best of both worlds: humans creating content to help teach their peers and AI adapting this content to increase reach and flexibility.

Automatically generated math quiz on Revyze app

Finally, the third area where AI can have a tremendous impact is the mythic ‘socratic tutor in your pocket’. There are many challenges around building an AI tutor that is trustful, accurate, engaging and perceptive. As we step up to meet these challenges, it’s important to be clear about what type of education and interaction this tutor should incentivize.

We believe an AI tutor should enable discovery and connection with a student’s peers. Instead of providing a mirror to a student in isolation, it should help people navigate insights generated by others, encourage the remix of ideas and weave together everyone’s contribution to learning.

🎙️ AI at the service of active, personalized and social education

This is AI at the service of active, personalized and social education — something that sparks curiosity and ensures learners feel they have agency over their learning process, something that provides space for iteration and feedback, something that fosters connections with other learners and creators.

This is the AI-powered product that Revyze aims to build.

