On Strategic Choices in NeoWorld 2.0

Rex Liu
6 min readAug 25, 2019


Author: 我要写本书

Translator: 天元/香克斯/韭菜花 2018

Editor: Rex Liu, NeoWorld Space Station,Lord of №4 Continent

Original Article: https://bihu.com/article/1537832704

These days, the NeoWorld community is bustling because NeoWorld 2.0 is coming soon. As a veteran NeoWorld player, in the process of interpreting the announcement, I found that the changes are gigantic, and there are many new strategic choices. Here, I summarize a few with you and hope to inspire all our player with skill and ease:

First, should we consume or reserve NASH?

The biggest change in NeoWorld 2.0 is the redefinition of business buildings. In the new version, the cost of building operation is directly linked to the USDT and settled through NASH. How do you understand that?That is to say, the price of business buildings is directly linked to NASH / USDT transaction pair. If NASH appreciates, the amount of NASH needed for each building will be reduced. Moreover, all the business buildings in the new version will not be returned to NASH after demolition. 95% of the NASH used for purchasing the business buildings will be destroyed and 5% will be used as handling fee income.

Here comes the first choice — in the new version of NASH destruction is obvious, the appreciation expectation is high. Should we reserve NASH in our hands for equal appreciation, or consume to buy business buildings and earn daily NASH incentives in the mining pool?

Since it is to let NASH into deflation, the team will certainly try to invite more NASH from everyone’s hands, for example:

  • After the new version, the consumption rebate will be carried out. If the amount of NASH used by users and the incentive share in the daily mining pool can offset the expected increase of NASH, many people will definitely choose to buy business buildings.
  • After the new version, PK rankings are synchronized. The more players consume NASH, the more likely they are to receive high-value construction rewards, and even the rewards can cover NASH expenditures, plus the construction of PK and huge rewards between the mainland. It will also attract many players to participate in the construction of the army.

The contradiction of this strategic choice lies in that players do not know whether to reserve NASH or to use NASH to achieve higher expected returns. Maybe some players will ask, if the team use a large number of NASH awards to motivate people to build in the early stage, won’t they lose?

No, there are three main reasons: first, this part of NASH is originally used for incentives, what kind of effect should be used in 2.0 version after the opening of the incentive to help the initial construction; Second, it does not matter if the incentives go out, as long as it can promote more construction. There will be more deflation, which is good for the holders, whether NASH is in the player’s pocket or in the operating pool’s pocket.

My suggestion is that if the players who are confident in their own business ability can participate appropriately, but for the players with average business ability, it is better to hold money to rise, because the latter choices tell us that their participation does not necessarily make money.

Second, which continents should we go to?

In NeoWorld, the design of seven primitive continents is destined to compete with each other.

Before 2.0, players were allowed to dismantle their game assets centrally and convert them into NASH again, which would reshuffle the original continental pattern — each player could choose which continent they want to go to develop again!

What is the competition among the continents? Why is this also a very important choice?

In 2.0, if you want to divide up the daily NASH incentive pool, simply put it in terms of “electricity” to exchange “business value” and then “business value” to divide up the incentive pool — the total amount of electricity, the price of electricity, and the buildings that need to buy electricity are different in each continent:

  • With regard to the total amount of electricity, the better the mainland develops, the more power plants can be built, thus supporting more management buildings, and players can strive for more NASH revenue;
  • The price of electricity is mainly set by the lord of the continent, and part of the revenue of electricity is the fiscal revenue of the mainland and part of the team’s revenue. For the players, the cheaper the power is, the more attractive the continent is. In fact, there is a choice, which we will analyze in detail later.

In the previous analysis, we said that the 2.0 version of building demolition does not return NASH, which means that once a player chooses a continent and buys a business building, he needs to rely on the mainland to recover costs and make profits — but it’s not as simple as that: if the mainland as a whole is not competitive, it will. If the mainland is very competitive, but crowded into too many players, the resources are scarce, maybe our operating income can not cover the operating costs, and the cycle of repayment will be indefinitely prolonged.

Is this quite similar to conducting business in real world. Investing in byways, you receive low yield; focusing on red sea industry, you struggle everyday merely to survive; only if you are engaged in blue sea industry, you can achieve remarkable return with half the effort. It’s all the same to you selecting continent.

What about RO?

Could you still enjoy your monthly dividend? This is the most concerned issue for me because I have kept a large stock of RO. Whereas I am a little bit worried about RO in version 2.0. The reason is that in version 2.0, we will be in such a paradigm of charging electricity fees to run power plants, consuming electricity power to produce turnover and allocating NASH according to turnover. Under this logic, there is a major bug that if the electricity fees are greater than the cost to run the power plants, the continents’ revenues grow. Otherwise, the revenues will descend, leading to a drop of monthly dividend of RO.

The key point is that the electricity power is priced by the president of a continent which means that he is theoretically able to compensate players for their electricity expenditure with continental revenues.

In a word, NASH belonging to continental revenues can be misappropriated to mine those NASH daily released from the pool just as ‘money laundering’. It is highly probable that land lords possess themselves of these NASH supposed to be distributed to RO holders through monthly dividends. That’s why I am so concerned.

Since further information about the announcement is still undisclosed, there are multiple methods to evade this problem: separate continental revenues into dividend revenues and disposable revenues which could be affiliated to different pools as well as different income channels or fix a reserve price for electricity power which should be higher than the cost of operating power plants as a guarantee of a net inflow for continental revenues. Thus I would say that you could see a gaming here.

Finally, nobody could deny the fact that NeoWorld would be reshaped in version 2.0. It is not feasible for a player to predict the trend of version2.0 via inference. We need flexibility to deal with burgeoning variations in aforementioned gaming. Whatever I can assure you that in version 2.0 overwhelming gaps will emerge in return on investment among different gamers. Please invest money according to your strengths.

If you need more information about the game, you can check the following links:



Rex Liu

#Crypto & Gaming Enthusiast. $ADA $BTC Hodler since 2018. #Cardano #NFT Explorer & Collector. SpaceBudz | Clay Nation | 10k Handle Club